Chapter Fourteen

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Aaaand at last, another chapter of Crushed for all of you lovely readers! I know I need to get better at writing and publishing chapters for this story, and I promise to do my best to bring more chapters to you within a shorter timeframe! Anyway, things finally heat up in this chapter, so go ahead and check it out!

xx Chontelle Louise


The drive to school seemed to stretch on forever, even though it only took about 15 minutes in total. I was completely aware of everything in my surroundings - every movement Gabe made, the way his muscles looked when he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, the small amount of stubble on his face that seemed to make him even more attractive.

By the time we arrived at school, the first period had just begun.

"Won't you get in trouble for being late to your first class?" I asked Gabe, concerned for him.

"No. I mean, yes, I would, but seeing as my first class today is our class in period two, I'm perfectly fine," he responded.

I nodded, and after a few moments of just looking at each other, I turned away.

Gabe breathed in,

"So what class are you supposed to be in right now?"

"Um, Maths, I think," I replied, pulling out my timetable to confirm, "Yeah, Maths."

Gabe pulled a weird face when I said the word 'Maths' - kind of like he'd just bitten into a lemon. I laughed,

"My thoughts exactly!"

Gabe also laughed, then spoke.

"You know, I could write you a late pass now to take to Maths, or," he paused for a second, seemingly gauging me reaction, before continuing, "you could 'skip' Maths and come help me set up my classroom for next period, and I won't even have to write a late pass?"

This idea seemed to be a recipe for trouble, but I decided to ignore the small part of my brain that was shouting at me how bad of an idea this was, and responded,

"Well, if it means I get out of Maths!"

Gabe smiled.


As Gabe closed the classroom door behind him, I made myself comfortable - well, as comfortable as was possible in a hard classroom chair. Gabe walked over to his desk, hung his satchel off of the side of his chair, and made his way to the cupboards at the back of the classroom. He brought out a huge box overflowing with books, and struggled back to his desk. He dropped the box on his desk with a deep, exasperated sigh.

"Need some help?"

Gabe smiled,

"Yes, thankyou," he began, pausing for a breath, "there's another box, a smaller box, on the second shelf."

"I'm on it," I replied, hopping up and making my way down to the cupboard. I grabbed the box and placed it next to the box of books on Gabe's desk. I picked up one of the books,

"Romeo and Juliet," I read aloud, rolling my eyes and smirking at Gabe, "How interesting, Mr Benson. Really!"

Gabe smirked back at me, laughing.

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