Chapter Thirteen

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Hey guys!

I'm so happy that you enjoyed the last chapter, and the chemistry that was going on there between Gabe and Ari! Also, apologies for another delayed chapter. I'm so grateful to all of you for your support and encouragement and promise that I will continue to write and post on this story, even if it may take longer than expected.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter - it's a bit shorter than my usual chapter but regardless, I think you'll like it :P

xx Chontelle Louise


I woke up to someone lightly shaking me awake.

"Ari," I heard a voice say softly, "Hey, the movies finished."

I opened my eyes and saw the end credits on the TV screen, I looked up to see Gabe smiling down at me.

"Morning," I said, between a stretch and a yawn.

"Actually, it's ten-thirty p.m," Gabe laughed.

"Mmhmm, oh yeah, whoops!" I lauged with Gabe.

And then it began to sink in. I had fallen asleep in Gabe's arms. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks with that realisation, how embarrassing!

Gabe picked up the remote and switched the TV off. His right arm was still around me, and though I'll admit I liked it, I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. I mean, do I stay still and wait for him to say something? Do I get up? Would that be rude, or awkward, or something?

Before I could make a decision on what I was going to do, there was a bang from downstairs. I sat upright, still in Gabe's arms however no longer lying against him.

"Gabe, Ari?" a womans voice called, "We're home!"

Gabe's parents had returned from dinner with their friends. The sounds of rustling as they locked the door, put down their bags, and took off their shoes was followed by the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs. Gabe and I quickly separated.

"Hey, had a good time?" Gabe asked as his father came into view, followed closely by his mother.

"Sure did, Son," Mr. Benson replied.

"And what did the two of you get up to tonight?" asked Mrs. Benson.

Gabe and I exchanged glances.

"Nothing much," I said.

"We just grabbed some take-out for dinner and watched some TV," Gabe added, casually.

Mrs. Benson smiled first at Gabe, then at me.

"Hmm well it seems like you've had a lovely evening then, haven't you?"

"Yep!" I replied quickly, itching to get out of the room. I was getting more and more uncomfortable as I could feel Mrs Benson's eyes on both Gabe and myself. She just seemed to know that we had been a little closer tonight than your average student and teacher, and I could feel my cheeks growing pinker by the second.

Luckily, Mr Benson - completely cluless as to the silent exchange going on around him - spoke up.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm exhausted."

"So am I, anyway, gotta be up early for school tomorrow," Gabe said, turning his attention to me.

I nodded, agreeing, and added a yawn for good measure.

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