Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Harry Potter DH - you gave me the strength to finish this chapter <3 haha

Well, first of all I'd like to give a huge shoutout to Jarassi, who has been able to help me out and keep me on track with this story. She's one of my best friends, probably somewhat because of our common interest in writing, reading, art, drama, and basically anything that questions reality, and what we know to be right and true. I've also coaxed her into joining Wattpad, and she has some amazing writing on her page so I'll advise you to check it out,

Next, I'm pretty much astounded at the amount of views I've had on this story! As I write this, I've got 906 reads I believe. Last time I'd checked, I was still around the 200 mark. So thanks everyone for all of your support! Hope you enjoy what I've got in store for you!

Ps; I've listed the cast for this story, you don't have to look if you're more interested in creating the images for yourself, but I figured some of you may prefer to clearly see in your mind who is who, and I really didn't want to let my idea for Ari go to waste (I think this actress fits the role perfectly)!

xx ChontelleLouise


I rounded the corner to find an empty driveway and a piece of torn paper blowing in the wind, bound to my door with a piece of sticky tape. It read: "Gone shopping, be back by 5:30"

I stuck my key into the lock, and pushed the door open. Closing the door behind me, I dropped my bag to the ground and made my way over to my bed, collapsing into the warmth and comfort it provided me with. It had been a long day, to say the least.

So many things were confusing me right now, but instead of focusing on my old friendships, making new friends, and keeping up in school, the one thing that I couldn't conceal at the back of my mind was Mr Benson. Gabriel. Isn't that the name of angel?

I sighed aloud, stretching out my arms and arching my back as though I had just awoken from a cat nap. I rolled over and sat upright, sitting in silence and gathering my thoughts. Deep down, although I would never admit to or talk about it, I knew that I was developing what was likely to be a stupid little school-girl crush on my English teacher. And I guess it would make sense, he's the only jerk I've met so far in Noosa Heads, and it seemed as though jerks were my type. Not to mention how I always wanted what I couldn't have.

I needed to get over this, and soon. I reached for my phone and began to dial Beth, however before I hit the call button I re-thought it and put my phone down. Beth had been my best friend while I'd been living in Sydney, but ever since I'd left, she seemed less and less of a friend to me. I realised she didn't make the effort to call or even text me, and she was probably dating my ex-boyfriend at the moment.

What I really needed right now was somebody to talk to, to vent my feelings to with the knowledge that everything I say would stay between us. So, I fished out my old journal from my suitcase, which I still needed to unpack. I made my way over to my desk, opened my journal to the first free page, sat down and began to write. I wrote everything from how I felt about moving, to my first encounter with Mr Benson. From my first day at school and dinner with the Benson's, to this afternoons events and my stupid school-girl crush. I told my journal everything, and some.

I think I took up 6 pages in total, my writing scrawled and all over the place. Everything was written in that moment in time, every thought I had spilled all over the pages. When I was done, I put my pen down and flipped back to the first of these pages, trying to make sense of everything that I was feeling.

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