Chapter Twelve

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Hey guys!
I'm so sorry for the delay in posting this chapter! I've been quite slack lately, and a lot of you have been asking me when I'll post the next chapter or if I'm even continuing this story. To answer those questions, Now, and Yes! :)

Anyway, I seriously hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Tell me what you think of it in the comments, and don't forget to vote, and follow me! 

Chontelle Louise xxx


The rest of the school day seemed a blur, and before I knew it, the bell had rung for the final period of the day - English. I met up with Tori outside the Library and we made our way across the courtyard to class, arriving just in time. As we entered the classroom and took our seats, I noticed Gabe - or Mr Benson, seeing as we're at school now - looking in my direction. I tried to read his face, to figure out what he was thinking, but to no avail. 

As the rest of the class filed in and took their seats, Tori and I chatted.

"Did you finish the paper?" she asked me.

I nodded, pulling the paper out of my folder,

"Yeah, though I was pretty exhausted when I wrote it and haven't checked it over yet, so here's hoping it makes at least a little sense!"

Tori laughed at that, 

"Here's hoping!"

By now the class had settled, and Gabe instructed us to have our papers out and ready to be collected as he came around the classroom. When Gabe got around to my desk, he seemed to linger for just a second longer than usual, before reaching over and picking up my paper. As he was reaching over, I could feel his breath lightly above my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Control yourself, Ariarrne. I ordered myself.

Could I seriously not go a single day without having some kind of reaction to my fairly attractive jerk of an English teacher? I sighed in frustration, earning myself a raised eyebrow from Tori and a smirk from Gabe, who was still next to me. 

"Bored of class already, Miss Gregory?" he asked me, thankfully misinterpreting my frustration for boredom. 

"It's been a long day, sir."

"Well maybe you could find it in you to hop up and read the first page of Romeo and Juliet, which by the way," he walked to his desk and turned, addressing the whole class, "will be the book you write your end-of-term essay on."

He grabbed a copy of the book from a stack of them on his desk, and handed it to me.

I groaned, taking the book.



By the time the final bell rang I had fallen asleep at my desk. I awoke to Tori shaking me and an almost-empty classroom. 

"Shit, did I seriously fall asleep in class? That's so embarrassing!" I exclaimed, feeling my cheeks heat up.

Tori giggled.

"Yeah, you did. Don't worry, you look cute when you're sleeping," she said sarcastically, earning her a slap on the arm.

"Well I've gotta get going now. I'd wait for you, but it looks like you've got some explaining to do," Tori nodded in Gabe's direction, who I'd just noticed was still here and had clearly seen me sleeping throughout his class. Oops.

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