Chapter Six

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It's pretty cool, I've gotten so many positive comments, and my friends seem to like this story. Over 1300 reads!! So, before I have to get stuck into year 11 school work, here is Chapter 6! Enjoy!




The next two days went by quickly, and before I knew it, it was Saturday. As Biology students, Tori and Mark had gone on the Fraser Island overnight camp which left Thursday morning, and had gotten back late on Friday. So, I hadn't seen them since Wednesday. Bree and I didn't have many classes together, so I only really saw her at lunch. I mean, she was nice enough, but holding a conversation with that girl seemed nearly impossible.  Then there was English. On Thursday, I'd spent most of the day thinking about that awkward touching of Mr Bensons - Gabe's - hands. I know, I know - first world drama, right? 

I woke up early today, determined to enjoy every minute of the weekend before Monday arrived. My alarm rang at 7:00am, and I got out of bed almost immediately. It's funny how you never seem to be able to get up on a school day, but on the weekend it's no trouble at all. 

The warm sunlight filtered in through the curtains, and I stepped up to them, opening them wide. It was nice to see the sun after so many days of rain, wind, and grey clouds. I quickly jumped into the shower. If I wasn't 100% awake before, then I was now. I towel-dried my hair, and slipped into an old pair of faded denim shorts, and my blue superman tee. 

I made my way upstairs, careful not to be too loud incase dad and Susan were still asleep. Making my way inside, I noticed that the T.V had been left on, but other than that, the house was silent. I flicked through the channels until I saw 'Rage', not bothering to turn the volume down since it hadn't woken anyone so far. 

The music video for 'With Ur Love' by Cher Lloyd had just started. I danced around in time with the song, humming along. I made my way to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of Rice Bubbles, whilst continuing to dance away. I put the milk back into the fridge, and closed the door. I practically jumped out of my skin!

Standing on what had just been the other side of the fridge door, was my dad. I closed my eyes, sending a message to my brain that everything was fine, and waiting for my heart to stop racing.

"Morning, sunshine," my father said, openly laughing. I gave him my meanest glare, and stormed over to the other side of the kitchen to get my bowl of cereal, then I went to sit down in the dining room and eat breakfast.

"So Ari, what are your plans for the day?" my dad asked, as he came out to sit opposite me, with his grande sized cup of coffee in hand. I scooped up a big spoon of Rice Bubbles and shoved them into my mouth. I made sure to chew slowly, keep daddy dearest waiting.

Dad just smiled and took a couple of large sips of his coffee, waiting for me with an amazing level of patience. I sighed in defeat.

"Well, I was thinking I would visit Tori down the road and see if she'd like to go into town with me for a couple of hours. I really wanted to check out the bookshop for something new and refreshing to read," I told dad, awaiting his reply.

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