Chapter Three

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Alright guys, heres Chapter Three. Thanks to everybody who has read/ voted/ commented on my story, and a shout out to RachelIF_Official and Tahls404, thanks for becoming my newest fans! I've hit 100 reads within the first 24 hours of the story being up, it means alot to me, so thankyou readers!

Well, enjoy guys, and don't forget to comment/vote/rate/fan!

xx ChontelleLouise


I shrunk back in my seat and looked down at my desk, hoping 'Mr Benson' wouldn't notice me. How was I meant to know he was my english teacher? I mean, he looks like he's still in college at the most, not a freaking teacher! I mentally slapped myself for confronting him yesterday, even though he deserved it. Great, I have a jerk for a teacher, and he's probably going to be an even bigger jerk to me if he remembers me from yesterday.

Tori turned to me and whispered, "He's pretty damn hot for a teacher!"

I laughed, and nodded my head awkwardly. It was true, he was really, really hot for a teacher. It's a shame his personality was nowhere near as good as his looks.

"So class, we'll be starting the year with some creative writing. You'll be writing a short story, based on one of your most fond memories. It'll be a great way for me to get to know each of you. You'll have two weeks from today to write the stroy, aim for between 600-2000 words."

Mr Benson announced our assignment, and we all wrote down the details in our school diaries. I watched as he produced a class roll from the pile of books and papers he'd put on his desk earlier. He flipped through the pages until he found the appropriate one, and began the roll call.

"Hannah Aimes?" he said, scanning the room for his first student. A small redhead up the front of the room raised her right hand. Mr Benson smiled and nodded his head, checking her off. 

He continued down the list.

"Graham Farrell?" A larger sized guy sitting near to the door raised his hand.

"Arriarne Gregory?" he announced my name, scanning for a hand. Oh boy. I hesitated, and he called my name again. I slowly rose my hand, looking down and avoiding his gaze.

"Miss Gregory, would you be so kind as to look up? I need to put a face to the name." he asked, clearly expecting me to do so, what with him being the authority figure and all. I sighed and lifted my head, looking him in the eyes.

At first he didn't seem to recognise me, but then he asked,

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"

I shook my head, "Sorry, I don't think so Sir."

He didn't seem convinced, but he shook the thought and continued down the list. Phew, I'd gotten away with it, or so I thought.

Mr Benson had us start planning our short stories in class, handing out some examples from the previous years best stories. I had always loved short stories, but for the first time I couldn't think of anything to write about. I guess I was too distracted by Mr Benson. I don't know what it was about him, but I couldn't stop thinking about him, couldn't take my eyes of him as he made his way around the classroom.

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