Chapter Fifteen

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That class seemed to go on forever, and I couldn't pay attention to a single thing Gabe was teaching us.

I really needed to get my mind off of Gabe, but how was I supposed to do that when not only was he my teacher, but pretty much my room mate?

I glanced over Gabe's shoulder at the clock hanging above his desk - only 5 minutes until the end of class. I could do this.

I felt a nudge, and turned to see Tori was passing me a torn piece of paper with some writing on it.

A bunch of us are gonna head out downtown tonight with Marks footy mates. Are you in? x

I thought about it for a moment. A night out could do me some good, and it was the end of the week after all. Get away from Gabe for a while, forget about everything that's going on and just have some fun? I scribbled my response and passed the note back to Tori.

I'm in.

I noticed Gabe walking up and down the classroom handing out papers. Having missed pretty much every word Gabe had said in class, I had absolutely no idea what the papers were all about. I sighed, just as Gabe approached my desk and held a paper out to me. I took it, avoiding eye contact, and had a look.

Three pages of questions on the discussion that went on in class today about Romeo & Juliet, due in on Monday. Okay, nothing too difficult. I'd have a look at it later.

I placed the handout in my book just as the bell rang, and made my way out of class behind Tori. I tried not to, but I couldn't help but glance over at Gabe as I left. He'd been watching me, and we locked eyes for a moment. I was thankful when that moment was cut short by a student with some questions for Gabe, and I quickly shuffled out of the classroom.

Catching up to Tori before she noticed I'd fallen behind, I spoke.

"So is Bri coming out tonight too?"

Tori smiled, "Of course! Actually, she said she can pick us both up and we'll meet at Marks place then grab an Uber from there."

"Sounds perfect!" I responded, looking forward to my first night out on the Sunshine Coast and hopefully a good distraction from everything Gabe-related.

I stuffed my books into my locker and grabbed my wallet. Just as I shut my locker door, Tori turned to me and lowered her voice.

"Actually, I almost forgot. You do have a fake I.D, right?"

I smiled, and pulled a card out of the back of my wallet, nodding.

"Just checking, wouldn't wanna get there and not be able to get in," Tori smiled, and we made our way out to the courtyard for break.


The final bell had just rung, and as I made my way to my locker I spotted Bri and Mark. I quickly caught up to them,

"Hey guys, thanks for the invite for tonight!"

Mark nodded, 

"No worries!"

Bri smiled and linked her arm with mine, 

"It's gonna be so much fun," she began, before leaning in to me and whispering "not to mention, Marks mates are seriously hot!"

Mark coughed beside us, indicating he'd heard us. I giggled.

Bri rolled her eyes,

"Oh come on Mark, you know it's true!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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