Chapter Eight - Part Two

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Hey guys. Happy New Year! Hopefully you've all had a great Christmas and New Years, and welcome to 2013! I have a feeling this will be a good year.

So, yeah, it's been a century or so since I last posted on this story. To be honest though, I didn't even know if I would be able to continue it. But somehow, I managed to grab onto my creativity and use it to create this chapter, just for you guys! I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long, but I hope you'll forgive me when you read this, I think it'll be worth the wait. I've started on the next chapter too, so I'd say no longer than a fortnight and it should be up. So, enjoy this chapter,




Tomorrow? They couldn't have let me know earlier? I began packing my bags for the Benson's place. Three weeks. THREE. At the Benson's. Where my teacher lives. My young, obnoxious, good-look- no. What the hell, why am I thinking this? Shutup Ari, shutup! Oh my god. 

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind of all thoughts ala Gabriel. After all, not only was he my teacher, but he was clearly in a relationship with that blonde skank who visited him at school. Not that I cared or anything, I was just.... stating facts. Ha. God, I never thought I'd be the kind of girl to be crushing on her teacher. Then again, the teachers at my old school were all aged 50+ and mostly female. 

I threw in a pair of trackies and a plain singlet for my pyjamas - something I'd be reasonably comfortable in around semi-strangers and my English teacher. Ah, who was I kidding? It wouldn't matter what I was wearing, things were definately going to be awkward and un-comfortable. 

Finally having finished packing, I went to have a shower. This would be the last time I could shower in peace for the next three weeks, so I may as well enjoy it.


I squeezed my father tightly as we said our goodbyes. I was gonna miss him, however, on the bright side of things, I wouldn't have to deal with Susan's crap for the next three weeks.

"Love you dad," I said, as we simultaneously stepped back from the hug.

I raised my hand in an awkward waving motion to Susan. She did the same. As usual, dad couldn't have been more oblivious to the awkwardness of the exchange if he were both blind and deph!

Dad looked over my shoulder at Mrs Benson, 

"Now you take good care of my girl now, won't you?" he said, with the widest of grins on his face. 

Mrs Benson let out a laugh, nodding her head.

"Of course I will," she said, pulling me into her arms and squeezing my cheeks. What am I, five? From the corner of my eye, I catch Gabriel peering out of the doorway, trying - and failing - to hide his amusement. Great. I'll never hear the end of this. 

After we'd said our goodbyes and my father and Susan had left, the Bensons and I loaded my belongings into the boot of their car and headed back to their place - which, as of today, would officially be my place now too. 

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