Chapter 8

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Amara's pov:

Today we're flying to Spain. The last three days went smoothly.

We just arrived at the private jet. They took our luggage then we walked up the stairs. I sat next to Damien and buckled up. I looked at him and say him shaking his leg.

He's scared of flights ? A mafia boss is scared of flights ?

"Are you scared ?" I asked


"Then calm down"

"I am calm !". He said almost yelling. I didn't respond , I just took his hand in line and held it in my lap.

"What are you doing ??" He pulled his hand away.

"Just trying to make you relax"

"I'm relaxed , thank you". He rolled his eyes and looked away.

Why do I feel hurt by his actions ?

Because you love him.

I looked at the window next to me , trying to avoid him in any way. I started to tear up , or maybe crying. I took out my EarPods from my purse and put them on , maybe some music can change my mood.


After 6 hours , we finally arrived at Spain. We got to the hotel and about to check in.

"Okay sir there's only one room". The receptionist said.

"What do you mean only one room , I booked two !" Damien said.

"I'm sorry sir but the system says only one room is booked"

"Okay book another one now"

The receptionist looked at the computer then looked back at us.

"I'm sorry , all the rooms are booked"

Damien looked at me with an annoyed expression. "Are you okay with that ?"

"Mhm , I just want to sleep". I yawned. I was really sleepy.

"Just give us the card."

As soon as we entered our room , I threw myself on the bed and slept.


When I woke up , the room was quiet and black. I looked at my phone and saw the time , 11:37. Damn , I slept a lot. I opened the lamp next to me then looked around. Damien was not in the room. Shockingly, I don't have his number.

I got up from the bed and went to the closet. I unpacked my clothes but kept some room for Damien's clothes.

Suddenly, the door was opened. Damien entered the room with a bag in his hand. He sat on the couch and but the bag on the table.

"I got dinner if you want". He took of his blazer , opened the first buttons of his shirt, then rolled up his sleeves to his elbows.


I sat on the couch and crossed my legs. "What did you get ?"

"Noddles". He said handing me the bowl.

"Thank you" I opened it and started eating.

We ate in silence, until I opened my mouth to speak.

"Where did you go while I was sleeping ?"

"A meeting then did some work"

"And how was your meeting ?"


We finished our food then threw everything away. When we got ready for bed , we realized that there's only one bed.

"I'll take the couch". Damien said as he walked over it.

"W-we can share the bed".


"But we already have done that before-".

"Shut it Amara ! I said I'll take the couch". He took a pillow from the bed then laid back on the couch.

"But you're gonna hurt your back in the morning" I walked over the couch and sat on the other sofa. He was closing his eyes but he suddenly opened them and sat up.

"Why do you care ? Amara ? Hm ? Why do you care that much ?" He said in an aggressive way.

"I-I don't know"

"Yes you do. Two days ago I woke up in my desk with a blanket wrapped around me , then in the jet you tried holding my hand to make me 'relax'. And now you want me to sleep in the bed with you ?! What are you doing ?"

"Because I'm trying to do my job as I wife !". That was a lie , or maybe not the main reason.

"Don't. do it ! Just stop trying ! I don't want you to be my wife. Just stop what you're doing!"

By the time he finished talking , I was already crying.

"W-why ? Why don't you want me to be your wife ?"

I sat on the couch he's sitting on , very close to him. He stared at me for seconds, before laying back down , closing his eyes.

"Yeah don't answer me , because I already know the answer". I rolled my eyes then went to bed.

My only escape from the world.


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