Chapter 14

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Amelia's pov :

"Mama , I love him ! I accidentally did ! Why ? I don't know!"

I listened to Amara while she was talking to her mother. Poor girl , I don't blame her. I made my way to Damien's office and knocked on the door.

"Amara leave me the fu-"

"I'm Amelia.". I walked in with a mad face and he looked at me.

"Are you okay Amelia ?"

"Well I should ask you that question, are you okay Damien ?!"

"Yes , I'm fine"

"Oh really ? How can you be 'fine' when you just broke the poor girl's heart?"

"I didn't break anyone's heart"

"Oh yes you did !". I sighed then walked closer to him.

"I know what you're thinking , she looks like her".

"Amelia please-"

"No Damien. You can't treat Amara like that because of Kenzie's death"

"Amelia stop !"

"No I'm not going to stop! You need to know that what happened in the past, stays in the past. Kenzie is dead . Treating Amara that way won't change anything about her her death. Damien, I've been your maid before you were born , I know every little thing about you. Don't let your past haunt you, you're stronger than this."

He didn't say anything. We sat in a moment of silence until the door was opened, revealing crying Amara.

"Who's that girl ?". She said with an angry tone.


"Someone tell me who the fuck is that girl ?!"

Me and Damien shared a look , then he moved his eyes back to Amara.

"Tell her Amelia , but not here"

"O-okay". I took Amara's hand in mine and took her to her room. She sat on her bed and wiped her tears. I sat next to her and rubbed her back.


"Just fucking tell me !"

"Kenzie was Damien's girlfriend. He loved her to death , and she felt the same. She helped him through his mothers death , which made him love her even more. One day , his father was having a war with some other mafia. Kenzie got kidnapped by the mafia , they thought it was his father's girlfriend. They abused her , hurt her , raped her , then killed her. Damien was trying to find her and help her , but it was too late. Damien's personality has changed after that. He became more of an closed person , he never talked to anyone , even me."

Amara was shocked from all that , she didn't say anything for few moments.

"Does he still love her ?". She asked.

"After these years , I thought his feeling were gone. But now , I guess yes , he still does."

"Oh okay". She wiped her tears with the back of her hand , then her phone rang. She answered then looked at me.

"I'm going to my parents house"

"Did you tell Dam-"

"No , just leave me alone ! I'm not living in a prison! Gosh !" She stomped out of her room and walked to the main door, slamming the door after leaving.


Amara's pov :

As soon as I walked in my parents house, mama embraced me with a hug. I cried on her chest then she took me to the living room. I sat there and continued crying, then I calmed down.

"Feel me the whole story , baby"I told her everything. Starting from Spain till what happened in his office.

"Baby , I'm not on anyone's side , both of you are wrong-"

"Mama ! I didn't do anything to be wrong!"  I came here for her to help me and comfort me and now she's telling me I'm wrong ??

"Yes you did. Amara , it hadn't been a month since the marriage, and you want him to love you already ? Especially that he had a girlfriend, who he loved and maybe still love her to death. And he's wrong too. He didn't have to treat you that way. He could've just explained everything to you."

I listened to her carefully. She's right though.

"Baby , I know you want a love story like what you read in books. But you can't always get what you want. Give him some space and he'll come back to you"


Author's Notes:

Hey guys.  I know I haven't been posting a lot. I'm sorry about that. My mental health isn't really that great that's why. I haven't been myself lately, and it's hard to act like everything is okay when I'm not.

Anyway , I'll try to post as much as I can. I hope you understand 🫶🏻.

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