TVR - 07

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I stepped towards the door and knocked on it thrice, and it took momentum for the street vendor to finally appear and open the door for me.
He looked at my half-covered face, while I thanked him hushedly.

I am not usually locked behind the doors until I am snagged in a situation where I become a culprit of a misdeed and later turn into a victim of  Naresh's wrath and rape.

Yesterday was something similar, I hugged my Aayatee closer to my chest before I stepped outside the house.
It wasn't important for me to step outside the house, in the last two years I have done nothing that could save me from my husband, but every day.

I am searching, for one chance, one opportunity.
That can save me, protect me.

Two houses distance was the home of Kaki, the old woman, who had been my shoulder since the day I was thrown under the puddle to be stepped on.
She was sitting outside her house, on the stone seating, doing something with her crochet, her eyes rising above, and spotting me, when I neared. She stopped her work and stood for me, stepping and taking Aayatee from my hand.

Her hands, dispersed towards my forehead where I received a bump last night from the wooden frame of the cot bed. She cursed a hundred words in her pure native language, half of which even wasn't worse than allowed to be spoken.

She returned to the stone, took her crochet piece she started walking inside her house with Aayatee, usual of her, invited me with her eyes alone. I was to follow when I heard the shallow scream of a feminine voice.

Looking over settling Kaki on the floor with the mat while she had already taken her handmade oil for my Aayatee she makes and started massaging Aayatee, with her bliss words of her to grow big and strong to protect her mom.

But it's different for now, I wish there never comes a day where my Aayatee has to stand in front of me and bear the wrath of Naresh.
I would choose to murder him before he raises his hand on my daughter.

And I am still trying to save myself from the same. If I were to go away right now, many would suffer the consequences under Naresh's hands.
He is a powerful man. And that's why being helpless, I am bearing and bearing.
If I kill him, I will go to jail, and I can't go to jail knowing that my Aayatee will be left to be raised by who?

But Mukul? My family, who I haven't seen in years or Kaki? She is too old to leave my daughter in her hands.
Only if I was as powerful as Naresh.

I followed the shallow shout of the girls I heard a few minutes seconds ago, stepping my way towards the end of the corner where the market starts. Stepping with my anklet's buzz in the now pin-drop silence.

A huge man standing had a knife in his hand and salted the starfruit that a vendor in the market on the first stall had in his hand, he sliced the sour starfruit and ignored the two girls who screamed and stepped ahead.

It was hard to not notice, his impairment and discomfort felt due to the girl's fearful revulsion on probably him doing nothing but existing.
His drawback eyes, with the sharp shade I can't find from here, not when he is not staring at me.
I saw the glisten of contempt.

He ate the star fruit without salt, and anyone can imagine the taste which makes you scrunch your face, but his didn't slightly twitch.
He only went ahead towards his car, and opening his door, turned once around back, ricocheting the two girls mostly with concern who had started to walk ahead, but kept turning to see if he had changed his mind about attacking them.

He returned his face ahead, smirked and shook his head, resting down on the car.
Self-loathing is one emotion I know exactly how it feels.
You know you are not bad, you know you haven't done anything wrong.
But that part of you that says, you have everything ordinary but you are still less than others.
The self-doubts and questions, insecurities, are just keys to this self-loathing. Keys that refill in you every day, and you dance to its rhythm, playing your claps to its charge on you.

The Vicious Love Of Royals (Politically Royal Love Collection Novella BOOK) Where stories live. Discover now