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Two weeks went by. Still no sign of Lewis returning to camp. Shark had tried to get information from Mr Pendanski about Lewis' state, but every time she asked, he told her that information was confidential and he couldn't tell her. So after a while, she stopped asking.

Shark was close to done with diggin her hole for the day. Zigzag was already done with his hole when he approached her. "You almost done?" He asked her.

"I think so? I got a couple more inches to go." She examined, looking at the length of the hole. She measured the size of the hole with her shovel. "I think I gotta make it wider." She determined.

She started to dig again, but her shovel must have it a large rock, because it bounced back. This caused the end of her shovel to kick back and hit her cheek.

She groaned and winced, dropping her shovel and holding her cheek. Zigzag immediately hoped in to her hole.

"What happened?" He asked, concern in his voice.

Shark was holding her cheek. She was holding back tears due to the pain and stinging. "The shovel hit my face." She told him. "Am I bleeding?" She asked, pulling her hand away from her face so he could see.

He looked at her and winced. "Yeah, your bleeding alright." He told her, taking his hands to her face to her a better look. "Lemme take you to the nurses tent." He told her.

Zigzag got out of the hole first, the reached out his hands to help her out. She took his hands and climbed out of the hole, her face still bleeding. "Sorry for getting blood on your hands." She apologized.

He looked at her and put his arm around her, guiding her back to main camp. "Don't worry about it shark." He told her.


Sharks facial injury didn't require stitches luckily, but she was gonna have to wear a bandage on her face for the next couple of days well the wound healed. She just prayed it wouldn't leave to big of a scar.

"Do I look stupid with this bandage on my face?"she asked zigzag as the two made there way over to the mess hall. Once they had gotten to the nurse shark told zigzag he could head down to the mess hall without her. But he for some reason was insist to stay with her.

Zigzag shook his head. "if anything it makes you look tough, we could say that you got in some fight with an E tent guy." He suggested. "We'll tell 'em the other guy got it worse."

Shark scoffed. "Yeah, like anyone would believe I got in a fight and won." She argued.

"Excuse me but aren't you in here for assaulting a cop? I'd believe it." He told her.

"Hey to be fair, I only bit him. That's not really a good fighting tactic.." she continued on. "Besides I don't wanna go starting rumors."

"Isn't that what chicks are supposed to do? Gossip?" He joked at her, bumping into her should with his.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, bumping him back. Zigzag then put his arm around her as The pair laughed and headed into the mess hall for dinner.

Sorry for the short chapter again but thank you for over 300 reads!

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