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"I'm just not gonna play you anymore if you keep winning." Squid complained, as he had lost his third round of pool to shark.

"Aw come on squid, don't be such a sore loser." Shark told him, it was rare shark ever lost at pool. She could count on one hand how many times she had actually lost a game.
"Why don't you practice a bit? I'm gonna get my canteen out of the tent." She told him, putting her stick down."

"I don't think it'll make difference." He admitted, aiming the pool balls in the hole as she shot at it.

She gave him a pat on the back as she walked away to d tent to retrieve her canteen.

As she walked in she saw Stanley writing a letter on his cot.

"Hey Stanley." She greeted, picking up her canteen.

Stanley's focus was ripped from his letter and now on shark, who was grabbing her canteen off her cot.

"Hey shark." He said, giving her a small wave.

She took a big swig of her water then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Who are you writing to?" She asked him, walking over to to him.

"My mom, this is the first Time I've had the chance to write to her since I've been here." He explained. Stanley had been at camp for about three weeks, he still wasn't quite adjusted to life at camp green lake.

"Oh nice, I write to my mom too." She told him, trying to make conversation. "Mail is slow here. So don't be worried if you don't get a letter back right away." She informed in, taking another swig of water.

He nodded. "Thanks." He said. "So where's your boyfriend?" Stanley asked her.

This question made shark nearly choke on her water. Once she was able to swallow and clear her throat she answered. "I'm sorry who?" She asked.

"Zigzag, you know? Crazy hair, crazy eyes.." he described.

Shark shook her head. "Zig? No he's not my boyfriend." She corrected him.

"Oh, really?" He asked, seeming confused. "Armpit said you were like, his girl so I just assumed you two were together." He said.

Shake shook her head again to hammer in the fact that they were not in fact dating. "I don't know what's going on in pits head but me and zig are not dating." She said.

Stanley nodded his head. "Well sorry, hope I didn't like, offend you or anything." He said.

"Non taken." She assured him. "I'm gonna head back to the rec room. See you at dinner." She said, quickly getting out of the tent and going to find armpit.

She spotted him at the water station filling up his canteen.

"Hey armpit!" She shouted, jogging over to him.

He turned around. "Sup shark?"

"Why did you tell Stanley me and zig are dating?" She questioned him.

"Are you not?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"No! And don't go around telling people that." She said.

"I don't know, to me and everyone else here, you guys look like a couple. I mean he's always got a hand on you, carrying your shovel, isn't that what couples do?"

"Well bottom line is we're not dating. So quit telling people we are." She told him.

"Fine, whatever shark." He said, going back to filling up his water.

Once her conversation with armpit was done she headed back to the rec room.

"So squid? You ready to get you butt kicked a fourth time?"

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