Thirty - seven

545 16 7

Song for this chapter: bless the telephone - labi siffre

Shark was sat down at the table doing her homeschooling work, well squid was sitting next to her, flipping through one of her textbooks, board out of his mind.

"Squid you know you don't have to sit here with me well I do this right?" She reminded him.

"Nothing good is on tv right now, plus Franny is on the couch and I'm scared she's gonna bite me if I sit next to her." He said.

"She has never bitten anyone in her life." She told him, putting down her pencil.

"Well I don't think she likes me, she runs away from me every time I try and go near her." He said.

"Here, I'll show you how to get on her good side." She said. She went into the kitchen and he followed her.

Shark grabbed a bag of treats out of the cabinet and shook them. "Where's the princess of kitty town?" Shake sang, trying to get Franny to come to the kitchen.

Franny came running in to the kitchen, excited to get a treat. Shark reached into the bag, and handed squid a treat to give to the cat, who was patiently waiting by her feet.

Squid was hesitant at first, but he bend down and put his hand out for Franny to take the treat. The cat slowly went up to squid, sniffing the treat, then eating it out of his hand. Once she was done, she immediately started to rub up against his hand, which was her way of saying 'more please'.

Shark handed the bag of treats to squid. "See? She likes you!" Shark said excitedly.

The phone started ringing as squid gave Franny another treat. "I'll get it." Shark said. She went over to the wall phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" She said, waiting for a response on the other line.

"There's my favorite girl." A familiar voice said. It was zigzag.

Sharks face turned a deep shade of red hearing zigzag call her 'his favorite girl'.

"Hey ziggy." She smiled.

Squids attention was ripped away from Franny as he heard zigzags name. "That zig?" He asked her, leaning into the phone to hear what was being said. Franny followed him, purring and rubbing her head against his leg, asking for him to pet her.

Shark nodded, then went back to talking to zig. "So, how you been?" She asked him, well squid was still listening.

"Been good, started seeing that counselor there making us see." He said. "Definitely better than talking to mom."

"Yeah, totally. It's nice to talk to someone who's actually a doctor." She replied.

"What's he saying?" Squid whispered, trying to butt in on her phone time with zigzag.

"Hole on." She said to zigzag on the phone. Shark too the phone away from her ear and pressed it against her chest so zigzag couldn't hear her. "Go feed Franny!" She shooed him away.

"Fine, come on Franny." He said, walking out of the kitchen with the bag of treats, and the orange cat following in his trail.

"Sorry about that." She said.

"All good." He told her. "So you hear about caveman? That chest he found at camp was worth like, millions." He told her.

"Yeah, crazy right? It's almost like fate lead him to camp green lake to find his families treasure." She said. Stanley and her had a whole phone call about how his father finally found a cure for foot Oder and how they were in the middle of moving to a new place.

"Kinda like how fate lead me to camp green lake to meet you." He pointed out.

There go the butterflies again.

Shark put her hand in her chest to feel her heart beating. "Ziggy sometimes you say the sweetest things and like, you don't even know it."

"What can I say? I'm a romantic."

Shark giggled. "Whatever you say Romeo."

"Hey Sharky I hate to cut this short but I gotta go. My mom's calling me from downstairs." He said. "But I'll call you later alright?"

Shark was slightly sad that there conversation would ending quickly, but she understood. "Yeah, I'll talk to you later. Thanks for calling me."

"Of course, I always like talking to you." He said. "Okay I gotta go before my mom starts getting all pissed. I'll talk to you later sharky, bye." He said.

"Bye ziggy." She said before hanging up the phone.

She walked in to the living room to see Franny siting on squids lab, eating another treat. "Aww! You got a new best friend."

"I think she's warming up to me." Squid said, petting Franny as she purred. "So what did zigzag have to say?" He asked.

"Sorry, confidential." She shrugged, getting back at him for not telling her about what zigzag would say about her on the phone.

"Did you tell him I was stayin here?" He asked, seeming slightly anxious for her response.

"Don't worry, I didn't. I figured you'd wanna tell him that." She said.

"Thanks.." he said, relaxing a bit.

"No problem squidy." She said, reaching over to pet franny. She seemed extra happy now that she was getting double pets.

Shark started to wonder if maybe squid would be able to stay with them for a little while longer, she loved having him there. Maybe the two could both start their senior year together in the fall.

All she knew, was that she wanted squid to be in her life no matter what.

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