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"Zig there's no way your gonna escape here." Shark said as zigzag explained his escape plan to hop on the back of the supply truck.

"Well when I get out of here, I'll send you a post card from the beaches I'm gonna be sitting in, not digging any holes." He told the group confidently. Shark just rolled her eyes and continued to eat.

Stanley took a seat next to them. He was quite and visibly exhausted.

"Look at him, he can hardly lift his spoon." Zigzag teased Stanley, picking his limp hand up as the boys laughed.

"'Man you've got to be the slowest digger I've ever seen you know that?" X ray commented.

"First holes the hardest right?" Stanley said, his voice raspy. He let out a big cough to clear his throat.

"Think you sore now? Just wait till morning." X ray warned. The whole table nodded in agreement. "Plus the funs gone."

Stanley looked at him. "What? The Fun?" He questioned. He lifted up his hands to show off his blisters from digging.

"Come on dog don't lie to me. Every kid dreams about digging a great big hole to china right?" X ray explained.

Stanley took a sip from his water mug. "China, right."

Shark chimed in. "Technically, if you were to dig a hole to China, you'd reach the earths crust which is like, molten lava that would melt your shovel." Shark informed them. "And you."

"Man you say that word to much." Armpit complained.

Shark looked at him confused. "What word?" She asked, putting down her spoon.

"Technically." He told her.

"Well word would you like me to use instead? Scientifically? Strictly? Factually? Take your pick pit." She said.

"Okay calm down human dictionary."


The rest of the night seemed to go quietly. Before Stanley went to go shower, shark told him to make sure to clean his cuts and blisters well so they wouldn't become infected.

Shark was seated on her cot, zigzag seated next to her as she drew on his hand. She was in the middle of drawing a cat on the back of his hand went all of a sudden gun shots went off. This caused her to jump in her seat and drop her pen, ruining her cat portrait.

"The hell was that?" She questioned, holding her chest and feeling her heart beat.

"Gunshot." Zigzag answered her.

She looked at him. "Well duh I know that but aimed at what?" She stood up from her cot and saw Stanley running in to the tent.

"What happened Stanley?" Squid asked Stanley who was obviously shaken up by the whole situation. He explained what happened with the yellow spotted lizards and how Mr sir was shooting at them.

"What color was its blood?" Zigzag asked, his crazy eyes were now coming out.

"Zig don't be weird about it." She told him, slightly slapping his shirtless chest. She did have to admit, zigzag had a nice body. She didn't know if those abs were pre or post digging holes, but it didn't really matter.

"I don't... I don't know. I couldn't tell." Stanley said.

"I wish I'd have seen it. BAM." He imitated the sound of mr sirs gun going off.

"If Mr sir didn't shoot it...Stanley you'd be in the hole." Armpit said.

"Did you know that each one's got exactly 11 spots?" Zigzag said.

"Your starting to sound like me now." Shark teased.

"That Wouldn't be so bad now would it? Spewing off random facts and sounding smart." He said,
He then leaned down and picked her up over his shoulder and spun her for a minute. Her feet almost hitting magnet in the process. Once she'd had enough he placed her back down on her cot, causing her to giggle even more.

"Yeah, man, but if you ever get close enough to count 'em..." squid imitated a slashing sound well tracing his finger along his neck.

"You're dead."

(Y'all I'm sorry for another slightly shorter chapter but I'm struggling slightly😭 pls help)

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ