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"You think if I went to the hole I dug yesterday, and claimed it was my hole today, think anyone would notice?" Shark asked zigzag as she shoveled more dirt out of her hole.

"Well they'd probably ask why your hole is filled with lizards, or worse the lizards would jump out and bite you." He warned her.

Shark thought about her idea. Dig the rest of her hole or get bit by a poisons lizard. It was a tough choice but she decided to dig the rest of her hole.

Her eyes couldn't help but wonder over to zigzag, he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Showing off his muscles. She figured that staring at a little eye candy for a second wouldn't hurt, but her little staring session was interrupted by mr sir coming by with the water truck.

As shark got her water, she could hear mr sir giving some speech about how water is life, and how mr sir is giving them life so they should be thankful. Shark rolled her eyes hearing this. She was standing next to zigzag when she heard thunder from a distance.

For a second she had felt hopeful that there would be a little rain, maybe even a drizzle, but that hope was squashed by mr sir.

"Don't get your hopes up. Them storms never make it past the mountains." He told them as he filled zeros canteen.

"Maybe this time they will." Stanley said hopefully.

"I got a story for you Girl Scouts." He announced, then spit out a mouth full of sunflower seeds. "Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end." He finished, making him self crack up at his own story.

"I don't get it." Squid said.

"I think he means it's never gonna rain here." Shark told him.

Mr sir just kept laughing to him self and opened the door to his truck. "Have a nice day."

Once he drove away, magnet kept looking over his shoulder to make sure mr sir was gone. "Hey guys! Anyone want some sun flower seeds?" He asked, proudly holding up Mr sirs sack of sunflower seeds he had stolen from the truck.

All the boys cheered, excited to snack on some sunflower seeds. Shark was just glad that magnet didn't get caught, but she was also excited to eat a couple sunflower seeds. "I can't help it, my hands are like magnets." He smiled.

The boys started passing around the bag, taking hand fills of sunflower seeds for themselves. Once it got to zigzag, he left shark take a handful before getting his own.

"Hey, he's coming back!" Magnet shouted, alerting everyone to hid there sunflower seeds.

I'm a quick panic, zigzag threw the bag of sun flower seeds into Stanley's hole for him to catch. but Stanley was not prepared to catch them so the seeds ended up spilling everywhere in his hole.

"Oh Stanley you butterfingers!" Zigzag shouted.

Shark knew that Mr sir was gonna be back any second. She didn't know what to do with her hand full of seeds. In a rush, she quickly shoved all of them into her mouth. The salty taste made her face pucker up, but it was better than mr sir catching her.

Stanley did his best to hide all the sunflower seeds before me sir came back, but it was no use. They were everywhere.

All the boys and shark tried to act as natural. She did her best to pretend to dig her hole but she was starting to feel like a chipmunk with cheeks all wide and full of sunflower seeds.

Mr sir stepped out of his truck, staying silent at first, looking at each boy digging there hole. Until his eyes landed on Stanley's hole, seeing the empty bag of sun flower seeds laying there.

"Well well, how did this get here?" He asked.

"What?" Stanley asked, trying to play innocent. Technically he was, but it was still the seeds that were in his hole.

"How did that get there, did it fall from the sky? Huh?" He asked Stanley.

Shark stopped fake digging her hole and looked at the interaction, with her mouth still full of sunflower seeds. She didn't wanna spit them out until she knew the cost was clear.

She was also waiting to see if magnet was gonna fess up or let Stanley take the blame, and from the looks of it, magnet wasn't gonna take the fall.

"I stole that out of your truck." Stanley said.

"I think maybe the warden would like to see what you found." Mr sir said. "Let's go." He gestured for Stanley to follow him.

Once the truck was out of sight, shark was quick to spit her sunflower seeds out on to the ground, desperate to get that overwhelming salt taste out of her mouth.

"Why didn't you just put 'em in your pocket shark?" Zigzag laughed at her.

She closed her eyes and put her face in her hands. "You know what?" She said, her voice muffled. "I'm allowed to have my dumb moments."

Y'all work almost killed me but im so happy it's over.
Also y'all left the sweetest comments on my last post thank you so much!!!

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن