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After a few days of investigating, it was decided that camp green lake would be shut down and all the campers would be sent home.

Ever since shark had gotten the news, she had been on cloud nine. She couldn't wait to go home and see her family.
But there was also apart of her that felt sad about leaving the boys. She knew that she'd see them again but she didn't know when that would be. It could be months before she saw any of there faces.

The campers were taken to a bus station to be picked up so there parents or guardians didn't have to drive all the way to the middle of no where. In a way, it almost felt like real camp, the whole waiting to be picked up by your parents.

They had also been given back the clothes that they had arrived in, so they wouldn't have to go home in orange jumpsuits. It was weird seeing all the boys in their normal street wear and not just orange jumpsuits.

On the bus ride, shark sat next to zigzag. She was trying to make the most of their time together before they had to leave each other. She was leaned up against him, holding on to his bicep the whole bumpy ride.

"You know what I just remembered?" Zigzag said.

"What?" Shark asked, looking up at him.

"You never gave me my shark drawing." He told her.

"Oh yeah..." she remembered. "I can give it to you at the bus station. Kinda like a parting gift." She told him, cuddling back into his shoulder. He smiled down at her, then kissed her forehead gently and let her rest on him the whole way to the bus station.


"Hole still or I'm gonna mess up." She told zigzag as she was putting the finishing touches on her masterpiece. She didn't let him look at it the whole time she drew so it would be a surprise.

"Okay and...done." She told him, putting the cap back on her pen. "Take a look."

Zigzag took one look at the back of his hand and immediately started laughing. "Is that a shark eating pendanski?" He asked her, looking at the drawing.

"Yup." She smiled. "Thought it would be fitting." She told him, looking once more at her drawing of Mr pendanskis leg being eaten by a shark.

"It's great." He told her, kissing her cheek as a thank you.

Her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink when he did that. She should have been used to it by now, he had been doing it non stop since they had there first kiss, almost like he was trying to fit in as many as he could before they had to part ways.

"I'm gonna miss you zig." She told him, leading up against him. He then wrapped his arm around her.

"Me too, but we're gonna see each other again. Don't worry." He assured her.

And just as shark was getting comfortable against zigzag, she spotted a familiar car pull up. She stood up immediately, wanting to make sure it was her mother before she made her way over.

Sharks heart was racing as the car parked. once her mother stepped out of the drivers seat she felt her eyes well up with tears. Something about seeing her mom in person, and not just in the form of a letter, felt overwhelming.

Once sharks mom was out of the car, the two started running to each other, engulfing the other in the most bone crushing hug. Shark felt a sigh of relief when she was back in her mother's arms.

"Josie I'm so glad you're okay." Her mother said, squeezing her daughter as tightly as she could. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too mom." Shark said as she buried her head in her mother's shoulder, taking in her perfume sent.

Once sharks mother pulled away, she looked at her daughter's face. "Oh baby what happened?" She asked, touching the scar under her eye.

"It's nothing, I'm fine I promise." She told her, she didn't think now was exactly the time to tell her the horrors she faced at camp green lake.

As shark and her mother were having there reunion, her mothers boyfriend was standing back, letting the two girls be with each other.

Once he thought it was appropriate, he made his way over and gave shark a tight hug. "Good to have you back kiddo." He told her.

"Good to see you Dave." She told him.

"Sweetie are you ready to head back? Franny is waiting patiently for you." She told shark.

Shark couldn't wait to have Franny back in her arms, but she had a few things she needed to take care of before she left. "Yeah, just let me say bye to my friends." She said, gesturing to the boys behind her.

"Of course, take your time." The older women told her daughter.

Shark then made her way other to the boys. "I guess I'm heading out." She told them. She wanted to give each of them a proper good bye, and she started with x ray.
"Bye x." She said hugging him.

"Be careful out there okay shark? No more biting people." He told her, hugging her.

"No promises." She joked, then made her way over to armpit.

"Pit..." she said sadly before hugging him.

"Bye shark. Be good okay?" He told her, giving her a pat on the shoulder. She nodded before making her way over to magnet.

"Aw come here mami.." he said, bringing her into a hug. "Say hi to Franny for me alright?"

She chuckled. "I promise I'll give her an extra treat and say it's from you."

The next goodbye was squid, this goodbye was enough to make her tear up. For once, he was the one that initiated the hug, which made her even more emotional.

"Thank you squid, for being the best mentor I could ask for." She thanked him. "Remember if you need anything, you can always come to me alright?" She reminded him. She had exchanged numbers with all the boys, but she had given squid her address just in case he ever needed anything.

He nodded. "Good luck out there okay? you got this." He encouraged.

And the final good bye was zigzag. He began by taking both her hands into his. "I would kiss you goodbye but I don't think you want your mom seeing that." He said.

"You're probably right.." she said as she held his hands.

"I got you a little something.." he said, reaching into the side pocket of his backpack.

"Zig you didn't have to get me anything.." she said.

"But I think you deserve it." He said. He then pulled out a black 8 ball, the one from the pool table in the rec room. "I figured you earned it after all the games you beat us in." He told her, putting the 8 ball in her hand.

Shark took the 8 ball and held It close to her heart. "This is the best gift I could ask for." She smiled. "Here, I have something for you too." She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a letter addressed to zigzag. The paper that she used to write the letter on was the same paper she had drawn a sketch of his face. "You can't read it till you get home alright?"

He took the letter from her hands. "I promise I won't open till I get home." He told her.

Shark then looked behind her to see her mother and Dave waiting for her. She figured she should maybe wrap up the goodbyes.

She then wrapped her around zigzag, taking in every moment of it, because who knows the next time she would be able to see him.

Once she pulled away, she looked in his eyes one last time before speaking. "Don't stand under any coconut trees well I'm gone okay?" She told him.

The others seemed confused by the reference, but zigzag understood. "I'll be careful." He said. She gave him one last hug before heading to the car with her parents.

As then were about to drive away, shark rolled down the window, blowing each boy from d tent a kiss.

But she gave an extra one to zigzag.

Y'all. We made it. The final chapter
Thank you so much to every one that has read this, expect a long ass authors note from me later being All sappy and emotional but for now please enjoy the story

Wasted potential ★ holes [zigzag x oc]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant