Twenty- nine

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"I can't believe you were so stupid zig!" Shark shouted as the two entered the tent.

"Stupid? I was just trying to show Stanley he can't just sit around and do nothing!" Zigzag shouted back at her.

"Well I hope your happy because now zero is gone!"

"How the hell is that my fault? I didn't make him run away! And might I remind you shark, he tried to kill me!" He reminded her.

"Oh please he's like 100 pounds and a foot shorter then you. He wouldn't have done much damage." She argued.

Zigzag threw his arms up in the air out of frustration, trying to get his point across. "I can't believe you defending him." He said in disbelief.

"I'm not defending anyone? Okay? I'm just really pissed off right now!" She told him. "Who knows what could happen to zero out there.." she worried.

"I'm sure he'll come back, he can't get far with no water." Zigzag told her.

"But he's still out there zigzag. And if he does come back, what's gonna happen to him?" She said. She just sat down on her cot, not caring if she got it dirty from her work jump suit.

"Look I didn't mean to cause All this all right shark?" He said, attempting to apologize. But shark really didn't wanna hear it.

"Just leave me alone zig." She told him, turning her head so she didn't have to look at him.

"Come on look at me, sharky.." he asked, trying to reason with her.

"Don't sharky me.." she told him, still not looking his way. "Just get out."

"What? You can't kick me out it's my tent too." He told her.

"Zig." She said sternly. "Just go." She told him. She knew it was unfair to kick zigzag out of of his own tent, but she didn't care. She was mad at zigzag.

Zigzag didn't say another word, he just left the tent before he said something he regretted.


Shark stayed on her cot for the rest of rec time, and dinner. She was hungry but her pride was keeping her from going to the mess hall to get something to eat. So she laid there with her stomach rumbling.

After a little bit, she heard someone walking into the tent, she turned around to see it was zigzag. She quickly turned her body back around, not wanting to speak with him.

"You missed dinner." He said.

"Not hungry." She lied to him.

"Well, you only had a bit of cracker at lunch, so I find it hard to believe that your not hungry." He said.

She said nothing.

"Shark can you please look at me." He asked her.

Shark sat up in her cot looking at zigzag, but still not speaking. He then pulled something out from behind his back. It was a cup of lime jello and a spoon.

"You need to eat something." He told her, holding out the lime jello for her to take.

She didn't take it at first, still mad at zigzag. even if he was offering her jello, her most favorite snack at camp green lake.

"What are you gonna hit me if I don't take it?" She asked him. But she knew zigzag would never hit her.

"Sharky listen I'm trying to make it up to you here, can you just eat the jello?" He pleaded with her, sitting down next to her on the cot.

She eventually took the jello from him, along with the spoon. "You know I'm not the one you gotta be making it up to here." She told him.

"But I upset you." He said.

"Yeah, you didn't have to take it so far with caveman." She told him, opening her snack and taking a bit of the squishy jello. She had to admit, she was hungry.

"I know, I know." He said, agreeing with her. "But I just got so mad you know?"

"Yeah but you can't just shove a cookie in his face and punch him." She said.

He put his arm around her. "I'm sorry for acting like that today, and I promise I won't do it again okay?" He promised her.

"You promise?" She asked, looking for assurance.

"I promise, and if I punch anyone else, you have full permission to punch me right back." He told her, squeezing her shoulders a bit.

"I'm gonna hold you to that." She said, taking another spoonful of jello.

"Trust me, I don't wanna get punched by you." He said. "Or worse, get bitten."

Hey y'all! I forgot to say, thank you so much for over 4,000 reads! I truly never thought anyone would read this but and it means the world to me that you all like this book!

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