Forty - one

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Shark turned around and saw the face she had been longing to see ever since she had left camp.

All the boys quickly got out of the pool the greet zigzag. Shark was behind them, trying to contain her joy. She didn't wanna scare him away.

When sharks eyes finally met zigs, she felt herself falling for him all over again. Once all the boys had gotten their hugs and high fives from zigzag, it was finally sharks turn.

"I saved my favorite girl for last." He smile, grabbing her waist and pulling her into a hug. She reached her arms around his long neck and pulled him close. "I missed you so much." He said into her ear, not letting her go.

"I missed you too ziggy." She said into his shoulder, still not ready to let go.

When the two finally separated, zigzag grabbed the sides of sharks face and kissed her forehead. She was a little disappointed he didn't go for her lips but she figured he did that to save them some teasing from the boys.

"I was getting worried you wouldn't be here." She admitted, hands resting on his shoulders.

"Oh sharky I wouldn't miss seeing you for the world." He promised her.

Shark smiled at his words. She was just relived to know that zigzag still felt the same way about her.


After all the boys had arrived, shark was still refusing to get in the pool.

"Shark come in! It's like your natural habitat!" Stanley tried to persuade her.

"I don't wanna get my hair wet, it looks really good today." She argued. "Maybe later."

"You said that 30 minutes ago." Armpit said.

"Hey technically I am in the pool." She pointed out, her feet were dipped in the water as she sat on the ledge.

Zigzag swam up to her. "You're really not gonna get in?" He asked her.

"Maybe..not sure yet.." she told him.

"Do I have to drag you in?" He asked, with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Don't you dare!" She pleaded, attempting to get away, but zigzags hands were already grabbing at her waist, pulling her into the cold water."Ricky!" She shouted when he body was fully submerged into the pool. You know zigzag was in trouble when his real name came out.

All the boys, including zigzag laughed at her reaction. "You are so dead!" Shark then jumped on to zigzags back.

"Are you trying to drown me?" He questioned as she was on his back.

"No, not at least when there are witnesses around." She teased.

"That's comforting.." he chuckled.

Zigzag held her on his back as he swam around, her arms wrapped around his neck and her head rested on his shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying their time together.

Just then Stanley's mother came into the backyard. "Come on out of the pool! It's starting!" She told all the teens who were swimming around.

Shark quickly got off of zigzags back and headed out of the pool to get a towel. They rushed over to the tv area of the house to be able to see the tv.
Zigzag wrapped his arm around shark as the two stood next to each other, she leaned in to his touch.

As the commercial played, shark found her eyes wondering over to zero and his mom. She was over the moon that zero had been reunited with her and was able to get everything he deserved.

Once the commercial was over, everyone clapped and congratulations Mr yelnates. Once All the excitement had died down a bit, it was time for hamburgers and hot dogs.

Shark was seated with squid on one of the lounging stairs side by side, he was eating a hotdog and she was happily enjoying a cheese burger.

"Finally got your cheese burger huh?" Zigzag said, seeing her enjoying her meal.

She chuckled and swallowed the big bite she had taken of her burger. "Best one I ever had." She told him.

As the two were eating Stanley's mother appeared, approaching the two.

"Hi Josephine, I spoke to your mother on the phone right?" She asked.

Shark put her burger down, and answered mis yelnates question. "Yeah, but please just call me jo, Josephine is way to formal for me." She said.

"Oh sorry, it's just your mother called you Josephine on the phone." She said. "By the way, she is a lovely woman, she needs to come over for coffee or something soon." She insisted.

"She was telling us the exact same thing when she got off the phone with you." Shark told her.

Mis yelnates smiled. "Well, nice to know the feeling is mutual. And you're welcome to come over too." She offered.

"Aw, thank you mis yelnates." She thanked.

"Anytime sweet pea. I'm gonna get some more drinks, you two want anything?" She asked the pair.

They both shook their heads. "We're okay, thank you though." She told her.

Mis yelnates then exited back into the house.

"So,you and caveman's mom friends now?" Zigzag asked.

Shark shrugged. "I guess so." She smiled, and continued to eat her burger.

Hey guys! I kinda know how the rest of the story is gonna go but! If you guys have any suggestions or ideas for act 2, please feel free to leave a comment or message me!
Also! This story is #2 in zigzag! Thank you so much!

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