Forty- three

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Shark ran down the stairs in her bath robe and hair still went from the shower. She had two outfit options in her hand, deciding between the two and needing a couple of extra options.

"Okay, can everyone please look at the two outfit options and give me some feedback?" She announced, getting everyone's attention. They were all seated on the couch, watching tv, and franny seated on squids lap. "Are we thinking more casual? Or do we wanna go for a dress with a sweater over it?" She asked them.

"You guys are just getting ice cream right?" Squid verified. Shark nodded. "Then go with the jeans." He told her.

"Ugh but what if that's too casual.." shark worried.

"Josie I really don't think it matters what you wear, you're gonna look beautiful either way." Lottie tried to assure her daughter.

"But it's just, this my first real date with ziggy and I wanna look perfect." She said.

"You could wear like, a trash bag on this date, and he'd still think you were cool." Squid told her.

"I'm being serious, I wanna look good he's gonna be here in like an hour." She said.

"Go with the dress baby, and put a sweater over it. You'll look fine." Her mother smiled at her.

Shark took another look at the outfit, deciding it was the right choice. "Okay, come on squid you're gonna help me get ready." She told him, already making her way up the stairs.

Squid reluctantly took franny off his lap and got up. "Sorry franny, shark needs my help."


(Sharks outfit)

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(Sharks outfit)

"So, what are you two gonna do after you get ice cream?" Squid asked, as he was seated on the bathroom counter. Watching her do her make up. His job was to hand her things out of her make up bag. In reality, she could have gotten ready all by herself, but she needed squid there to calm her nerves.

"Probably just walk about a little." She told him. "Can you hand me the mascara?" She asked him. He gave her a puzzled look. "The long black tub." She varied. He dug through her bag and handed her the beauty product.

"Thanks." She said, looking in the mirror to apply the mascara carefully. "Squid?" She asked, still focusing on her make up.


"What if..never mind, it's dumb." She took back, putting her mascara wand back in the tub.

"No tell me, come on." He told her.

"What if me and zigzags relationship doesn't exist outside the context of camp?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like, what if we only got together at camp because I was the only girl there. And now that we're out of camp, he's gonna see our relationship was only temporary." She worried. "It's like we've never hung out without the rest of d tent being at least 30 feet away."

"Shark you're thinking way too much about this. He called you his girlfriend, to me that seems like he's not going anywhere anytime soon." He said.

"But what if when we're finally alone together, we realize that we have absolutely nothing in common?"

"Well I think that's what works so well with the two of you, you balance each other out." Squid told her.

"Yeah, you're right I'm probably over thinking." She admitted, but that still didn't calm her nerves as her hands were still shaking as she applied lipgloss.

Shark glanced at the clock. "He's gonna be here in like five minutes, quick go down stairs and open the door when he gets here." She told him.

"Why?" He questioned.

"So it doesn't seem like I was waiting by the door." She explained.

Squid just shook his head. "You're out of your mind.." he joked at her before heading downstairs.


Once shark heard the door bell ring, she immediately sat up from her bed. She checked her self in the mirror one last time, before she finally headed down stairs.

Zigzag standing in the door way with squid, the two of them talking before zigzag finally noticed shark standing at the top of the stairwell, he was now staring at her, smiling.

When she walked down the stairs, zigzag felt like she was walking in slow motion. He had never seen her so dressed up before.

"Hi ziggy." She said, greeting him with a kiss.

Zigzag was almost speechless. Looking at her perfectly straighten hair, her adorable outfit. He just was in awe of her. "Hey sharky." He greeted.

Lottie then came in to greet the boy, shark was a little nervous for them to meet. She just prayed that her mother would like him.

"You must be Ricky." She smiled, shaking his hand. "I've heard so much about you." Lottie said.

"Good things I hope." He said, putting his hands nervously in his pocket.

"We should probably get going." Shark said, grabbing the keys off the table next to the table.

"Okay, don't be out too late, have fun!" Lottie said as the two headed out the door.

"See ya later guys." Squid Said, giving zigzag a fist bump goodbye.

And with that, the two were off on their very first date.

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