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Warning for this chapter: mentions of drinking and death.

The cold water seemed to relax shark after the long day of digging she had. Even though all the campers were digging a hole together, it felt like more effort then just an individual hole.

As shark let the cool water hit her skin, she peeked over at squid, who was sitting on the steps of the shower playing with some rocks he had found.

"Hey squid?" She asked.


"How much of my file did you read?" She questioned.

"Uhh, like most of it. Why?" He asked.

"Well it's just, if you knew all this stuff about me before mom told everyone, why didn't you ever bring it up?" She finished rinsing her Body and turned off the water, signaling to squid to hand her the towel.

He handed her the towel. "I don't know. I guess it just wasn't that important." He shrugged.

She dried off quickly and grabbed her sleep jumpsuit from squid. "How long have you known?" She asked, getting dressed but still taking to squid.

"I think I read it probably the first week you were at camp." He said.

Shark raised and eyebrow at him. "You've know about my school records for over like, four months but you never told anyone?" She questioned. "Not even zigzag."

"No I didn't." He took his tooth pick out of his mouth. "But Why does it matter? Who cares if your some super genius?"

"I don't know, it's just I thought you guys would like, think differently of me.." she said.

"No we wouldn't." He said.

"Oh please, if I came in here on the first day bragging about my IQ, you guys would have ripped me to shreds." She said.

Squid thought for a moment. "Well, maybe at first..." he admitted.

"See!" She exclaimed, proving her point.

"But being smart isn't all there is to you ya know?" He said.

"Back home that's all it feels like it is. I spent so much time studying and trying to get ahead and now.." she sighed. "It was all for nothing."

"Wasn't all for nothing, I mean it might be annoying but sometimes that big brain of yours comes in handy." He said, tapping her head.

"I just didn't want you guys thinking I was a total dork." She said, worried that there perception of her had changed.

"You are. There's no denying that." He said, making her frown slightly. "But your also a master at pool, you make funny doodles, and make people feel better." He said. "There's more to you then just your brain, shark."

Shark stood there, her hair still dripping from the shower. "Thanks squid." She told him.

"But I do have a question though." He said.


"Why'd you go and give it up? I knew you said you stopped caring after Micheal died, but how'd you end up biting a cop?" He asked.

Shark realized she had never exactly explained to anyone what happened between her brother passing away and her ending up at camp green lake. She then decided to fill in the gaps for stupid.

She sat down on the wooden steps of the shower, squid sitting next to her. There shoulders were squished together due to how small the steps were.

"After Micheal died..." she began. "I was like, a wreck. I started skipping school and falling behind on my assignments, hanging out with the wrong people. My mom was to busy grieving to even notice. I don't blame her though. It was rough on everyone." She said. "So the skipping school lead to drinking, I would drink like, almost every night." She told him. "Then one night at a party I had a few too many beers and the party got busted up by the cops. It's hazy but, I remember the cop trying to get me out of the house. That's when my choppers came out." She finished.

Squid didn't say anything at first when she finished telling her story. "Sorry bout that." That Was really all squid could say right now. "You know my mom, she drinks a lot." He admitted.

"Did she always drink a lot?" She asked.

Squid shook his head. "It really only got bad after my dad took off." He said.

"Well, glad to know we both have daddy issues." She joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"So what's the story with your dad?" He asked.

"He left us for another women and her family, guess the one he already had wasn't good enough for him." She said.

"Sounds like your Better off." He told her.

She nodded. The two sat on the stairs for a little longer, listening to the sound of the crickets and whatever other bugs were around.

Squid then suddenly put something in her hand. It was one of the rocks he had been playing with earlier. She looked at him confused.

"What's this for?" She asked him.

"Thought maybe you needed a gift to cheer you up." He told her.

She chucked and felt the Rock in her hand, it was smooth, almost relaxing to run her fingers over. She put it in her pocket so she wouldn't lose it.

She then picked up another rock she found on the ground and handed it to him.

"Here, now we both have cool rocks."

He smiled and took the rock, holding it tightly in his hand. "Thanks shark."

"You know? this was way more helpful they any of moms group therapy sessions."

Some wholesome shark and squid content for yall..

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