10. ᴢᴏʏᴀ

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A month later, on the February 13th, Mani stepped into the school with Jeff and Monty by her sides, keeping everyone at the safe distance from her. Her hair was tied into a bun, no make up on her face, her usual outfit consisting of a top and skirt replaced by a pair of oversized pants and Jeff's hoodie. She gripped her brother's hand as they walked through the halls, Monty glaring at every person who looked at her the way that he didn't like - whether it was with interest, worry or anything else.

„Everyone's staring." she whispered and Jeff looked down at her, frowning.

„Yeah, but not at you. At him." he nodded his head towards Monty who was now walking in front of them, pushing people out of their way.

Thomas Jackson switched schools. After the night of Bryce's party, after Mani's boys beat him half to death, he showed up at school with his face barely recognizable, the same time that Monty got his hand wrapped in a bandage, skin ripped on his knuckles and his fist bruised.

Nobody knew what had happened, but they all knew not to ask questions. Monty was on edge, everyone could see that, and now that Mani was back, they knew that if they even as much as breathed the wrong way, they would meet Jackson's fate.

„Mani." soft voice sounded and the girl turned around, relaxing when she saw Jess. The black skinned girl approached her carefully and after earning a nod from her, she pulled her in for a warm hug. Apart from the boys and Sheri, only Jess knew what had happened - being there for Mani when she needed her the most, helping her take showers for the first week when she wasn't able to touch her own body without freaking out. „How are you? I'm so happy you're back." she smiled softly and nodded at Monty and Jeff who stood a few meters away, keeping their eye out for the two girls.

„I'm... getting there." Mani responded, her voice small and cracking. Jess nodded and wrapped her arm around shorter girl's shoulders, walking with her towards the boys and they made their way to the gym.

„I've got her, go enjoy the event." Jessica said to Jeff and Monty, who both looked to Mani and after she nodded, they walked away. „Come on, there's Sheri." Jess encouraged and the two friends walked over to the desk occupied by the Holland girl, whose eyes lit up at the sight of them.

„Hello, beautiful ladies." she greeted and Mani smiled, making both girl's heart happy. „Are you here to find out who your Valentine is?" she teased, rising her eyebrows as the two chuckled.

„Yeah, figured I'd give love another chance." Mani joked, and Sheri joined her, typing something into her laptop and waiting for the results. She handed Mani a piece of paper and gladly accepted the five dollars her friend handed her, before leaning forward.

„So? Who's on the list?" Mani chuckled as she scanned over the five names.

1. Montgomery de la Cruz
2. Zach Dempsey
3. Sheri Holland
4. Tony Padilla
5. Zoya Andrews

„Well, first of all, I'm still gay." she started, showing the list to Jess and Sheri, who were soon laughing with her. „Second of all, Tony's gay too. Third of all, who the fuck is Zoya Andrews?" she asked, looking up at Sheri, who gave her a knowing glance.

„She's a year below us. She moved here a few months ago, weird that you didn't meet her. She's a cheerleader, too." Sheri explained, and looked over Mani's shoulder. „Look, there she is. Zoya!"

Mani turned around with a small smile, which quickly disappeared as she set her eyes on the girl.

Oh, my God. Is she alright?" Mani looked up at the girl that Monty was making out with before they spotted her.

„Nah, she's not. Can you find Jeff, or Justin? I'm sorry."

„Of course, it's okay. I'll find them."

𝐷𝐴𝑌𝐿𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇 - 𝑇𝐻𝐼𝑅𝑇𝐸𝐸𝑁 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑆𝑂𝑁𝑆 𝑊𝐻𝑌Where stories live. Discover now