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XXXIII. Track Walk

MONACO: July 2005

Charles stood in front of the reporter with his helmet in his arms. He had just won the race and has been answering some questions already. He was asked about giving advice to his parents when it comes to driving and he gave quite a good advice.

"Vous avez gagné aujourd'hui, des grandes fêtes prévues?" the interviewer asked. Charles smiled and shook his head, "Rien. Probablement rentrer chez moi et passer du temps avec mon meilleur ami." He answered happily.

Translation: "You won today, any big celebrations planned?" "Nothing. Probably go home and hang out with my best friend.")

The interviewer let out a chuckle, "Alors du temps avec Pierre." But the young driver shook his head, "Pas Pierre mais bien sûr." They shared a laugh but the interviewer decided on asking one more question.

Translation: "So, some time with Pierre." "Not Pierre, but of course.")

"Votre victoire d'aujourd'hui vous rapprochera-t-elle de vos rêves à l'avenir ?" Charles pursed his lips thinking, he then smiled brightly at the man, "Le rêve de courir, oui. Mais pour mon autre rêve, pas encore." He answered.

Translation: "Will your victory today bring you closer to your dreams in the future?" "The dream of racing, yes. But for my other dream, not yet."

The eyebrows of the interviewer furrowed, "Et ce rêve est ?" The camera caught the big and excited smile of the young driver, "D'épouser mon meilleur ami qui n'est pas Pierre Gasly." He answered honestly.

Translation: "And that dream is?" "To marry my best friend who is not Pierre.")

He was about to be asked again but then they heard a gasp, they turned to see young Pierre with his jaw dropped, "Tu veux épouser Thalie?" he asked. Charles being the polite boy he is said thank you to the interviewer and walked away and towards his best friend.

Translation: "You want to marry Thalie?")

"Est-ce que tu peux te taire. Et oui, je le fais." He admitted. Pierre's eyes widened, "Oh, Kiki va adorer ça, elle va me le frotter au visage-" Before the French could say anything, Charles placed his hand on his mouth.

Translation: "Can you be quiet. And yes, I do." "Oh, Kiki is going to love this, she's going to rub it in my face-)

"Gardons ça entre nous pour l'instant, n'est-ce pas?"

Translation: "Let's keep this between us for now, shall we?")

Pierre nodded and crossed his heart with his index finger. Charles sighed but pulled his hand off his mouth, "Mais honnêtement, quand vous en arriverez à ce point, soit je rirai, soit je vous crierai dessus." He admitted.

Translation: "But honestly, when you get to that point, I'll either laugh or yell at you.")

The young Monegasque racer just rolled his eyes, "Quoi qu'il en soit, allons-y. Thalie est peut-être déjà avec Ki." And with that the best friends were off to find the girls.

Translation: "Anyway, let's go. Thalie may already be with Ki.")

BELGIUM: July 2026

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