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XXXV. The Rest of Forever

MONACO: April 2028



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Race Day: It felt like forever since Charles had hear Xavi's voice on the radio

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Race Day: It felt like forever since Charles had hear Xavi's voice on the radio. "Okay Charles, I need you to breathe before I tell you something."

"That sounds like something is wrong, tell me now." Static was heard for a second, Charles tried his best to keep focus but a lot was on the line. It was Monaco and his wife was home alone and was heavily pregnant. The model insisted on going but the driver strictly said she should stay home just in case.

And luckily, she listened because it was better for her in the current situation. "Okay Charles, breathe-" "Just tell me Xavi." The driver cut his engineer off. With that, Xavi decided on just blurting it out, "Code Anne."

That was it for Charles, his heart fell from his chest, "What?! I have to stop-" "No." Xavi cut him off. Charles was about to argue but the engineer cut him off, "She specifically said that if you do not finish she will not pick the name you chose." He said.

That was enough for Charles, he had to finish the race and it wouldn't matter what place he would finish on. All he had in mind was for him to finish and get home.

And he did, he used this as a drive to finish as fast as he could. He felt like he was flying, it looked like he was flying. Overtaking most of his friends.

"What the hell is Charles on?" Lando asked his engineer, the former not having an answer. But as Pierre had the same question, the French's engineer had an answer, "Thalie is in labor."


"Did we heard that right from the Alpine team radio? Nathalie Leclerc is in labor? I don't think anyone knew that." Crofty said in shock. The Leclercs had kept it a secret for an excruciatingly long 9 months and now it has been revealed to the world through Alpine's team radio.

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