Forest Lines.

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It's been a couple weeks since the plane crash,the sun shined over the charred beach and shards of glass made from the fire.
Pyukumuku of all sizes pick and pile the shards while Palossand and Sandygast shuffle out the sand,mixing the charred with more.
Elsewhere Ash was sitting down,watching Tarros run around the school.
The other students watched him.
"He's still out of it,can't really blame him though,Pikachu's still at the centre,that poison was no joke"
Kiawe:"What even caused the poison,that thing only slashed him with its talons,I didn't see anything secreting from them."
He sighed and looked over.

That's when a man in a white coat sat with the depressed boy,he put a hand over Ash's shoulder and talked with him.
Kiawe:"What do you think the professor's saying Mallow?"
Mallow held her Bounsweet close and shook her head.
Mallow:"Hopefully something good,that monster's been the only thing on the news lately,they've taken photos of all three ofits forms,so we can review them if we ever have class.."
That was when a laugh from Ash caught their attention,he was laughing and jumping in place excitedly.
Ash:"Really Professor Kukui?! Is he really ok?!"
The Professor smirks and crossed his arms.
Kukui:"Of course he's fine,I haven't seen a more resilient Pikachu,his bond with you must be really strong."
Ash nods and took the compliment full-heartedly,this poison wasn't anything like the Pokémons here.
He remembered seeing the slashes on his pal oozing with blood and dark purple liquid.
The openings were swollen and already blistering with pus.
It was a terrible site,watching helplessly as his Pokémon was rolled away into the OR.

He shook the memory off and smiled brightly again,why worry about the past if his friend was fine?
Kukui:"Lily,Mallow,Kiawe,Lana,Sophocles,we're going to the Pokémon Center with Ash.
Bring extra items,we never know when this thing'll attack again."
Everyone shuddered as they packed their things,Pokémon by their sides.
Popplio and Togedemaru were looking around,whining and staying wary.
Everyone was on edge,the once loud and bustling streets were empty and barren,barely any people were around,all the shops were closed and Pokémon were more hidden that'll usual.

Eventually they reached the Pokémon Center.
Ash immediately rushed in and asked for Pikachu at the front desk,nurse joy smiled and welcomed them in.
Nurse Joy:"Ahh hello! You must be here for your Pikachu right?"
She gave a weak bow and leaned on the desk,holding the ledge as she clicked one of the buttons on the wall.
Nurse Joy:"He'll-yawn-be right out..."
She sat down and caught her breath.
They were working her to the bone,many trainers and civilians had brought in their pokemon for healing.
The attack really put a toll on her body,she needed rest,and fast.

Eventually a really tired Blissey waddled out with Pikachu,who was poking her with a concerned look.
She stared at the ground with a weak aura,flopping onto her butt before threatening to fall asleep.
Lily hesitated to go help her but Mallow was a step ahead.
Her and Bounsweet took our a mix of berries and began spoonfeeding the poor Blissey,she hungrily but weakly chewed and chomped on the mixture.
Lily:"This is absolutely horrible,look at the state of you girls..."
She frowned and watched from a distance,if her fear of Pokémon wasn't bad now it would surely get worse. They didn't know what to call the monster but having the ability to switch it's type and moveset was dangerous.
They could be super effective at one point and could be crushed the next.

Kukui:"Joy,you and your Pokémon NEED rest,even the helpers need help alright? Here,we'll take the rest of the patients from you."
He patted her shoulder and layed her on a couple chairs,almost immediately her and Blissey fell asleep,letting out soft snores and breaths.
Deep in the lush forests behind the school.
Tapu Koko skimmed through the trees,watching pokemon and people alike,a curious little pokemon like him really loved seeing new things. He even tested humans for their strengths.
His current interest was Ash,seeing how he faced the unknown beast with no fear whatsoever and his strong connection to electric types.
Even if he was a strong pokemon in electric type moves himself,he knew fighting that thing was a death wish,It could change types almost instantly. Heck in just 3 of its forms he saw countless types.
Dark,Dragon,Fire,Ground,Flying and maybe even types undiscovered yet,who knew how many the new guy had.
Tapu Koko needed more information,and that's where Ash comes in.
He's seen it upclose,even fought with it. His friends were there aswell,they saw too.
So Tapu Koko zipped through the canopies,warily watching for any shift in behavior or climate.
After all,he was the guardian of Melemele Island.

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now