Royal Avenue/A Quest?

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Authorities surrounded the crater,examining and showing fear on their faces. What could they do about it?
Olivia was at the Pokémon Center with her fainted Pokémon and Lycanroc,but he was mad. Mad at Olivia for not letting him fight. Even so,he struggled to keep a brave face as he faced this new reality,his arm wasn't coming back.
He acted so tough on the outside and growled when they tried to help him,but inside...he was terrified,hurting,and really worried. Golem and Boldore shared concerning looked before settling him down,trying to hold his stump out for Nurse Joy to treat. He pulled and lashed out at them,constantly telling them he was fine.
He growled out and bared his teeth,but immediately softened when Olivia came in. She crossed her arms and frowned.
Olivia:"I know what you're thinking,trust me. I'd NEVER do that,ever you hear me?"
She walked over and cupped his cheeks.
Olivia:"I'm not putting you in a box to rot,nor will I forget about you."
He stared into her honest eyes.
Tears ran down his cheeks,instant relief washed over him,his fur softened and he hugged her as tight as he could.
He wasn't afraid of not being strong,or the judgement he'd face from others,he was afraid that his new disability would make her throw him away.
So in order to look ok he acted tough,all for that...
Nurse Joy was finally able to clean and inspect his wound,wrapping it up and sending him down to the waiting room with Olivia,she sat there with him,thinking back on what had happened in the store,if this thing was now realizing what it could do in this world,it could be building itself up right now.
Just then a group of Team Skull grunts walked in,looking around at the many people.
"Oh talk about rough"
"Can't believe the kahuna couldn't do anything."
They sigh out and walked up to the front,asking to heal their Pokémon,Olivia popped up and crossed her arms,glaring.
Olivia:"Why are you here? We've got enough on our hands as it is with this thing on the loose."
"Whoa! We're trainers too!"
"Our Pokémon need healing!"
"We wouldn't go that low!"
They popped out their Pokémon,some flopped to the floor fainted and others were roughed up.
Olivia was surprised,usually these guys are always looking for fights,wanting to take other people's Pokémon.
"And...we're also thank you."
"We were in there when you fought that thing off,if it wasn't for your quick thinking or Lycanroc's attacks..."
"We wouldn't have made it out,the webbing and the store."
They smiled up at her,setting their things down and putting their pokeballs onto a cart being pushed by a Blissey.
Olivia smiled,even if she was unable to save the store,she saved precious lives. She understood that team skull members were also still kids,They must've been terrified.thinking it was the end. She then turned her thoughts to what the beast had done,using all sorts of moves and boosts. And those just ate them and immediately knew how to use them aswell.

Kukui and the students walked in with the two guardians,Olivia stood up and walked over.
Professor Kukui:"Did you see it?"
She nods,remembering her fight with it.
Olivia:"Yea...everyone did.."
She turned to Lycanroc,who was sitting there staring at his wound.
Lily covered her mouth as the others rushed over.
Lana:"Oh god..."
Ash:"That thing did this?" Rockruff nudged the stump,making Lycanroc wince.
Olivia sighed and led them outside.
Olivia:"You know it's bad when Team Skull wants a small truce...and..."
She pointed towards the crater,full of water and charred dirt.
Kukui knelt down and touched the water,immediately pulling back.
Professor Kukui:"Damn! That's boiling!"
Everyone was confused,it didn't look like it was boiling,there wasn't even smoke coming off of it.
Olivia looked around and picked a rod of metal from the cleaned debris,she dipped it inside and waited. The rod started shaking,vibrating in her hand. The part dipped inside turned bright orange and began melting,causing Olivia to drop the rest. The metal liquefied and rolled to the bottom,like oil and water.
Sophocles:"Fascinating...water that's boiling hot but....not?"
Even he was confused,he hadn't seen anything like it.
Olivia:" what happens when it gains to much power,if it decides to use it."
Their hearts sank,IT did this? There was no way...
Olivia:"It...It sucked out Relicanth's ability...I've tried and tried to help her use it again but..."
Tapu Lele and Tapu Koko looked towards the Pokémon and then eachother.
Kiawe:"It did the same to our guardians ms.Olivia and we intend to stop it."
Olivia stared and began to laugh.
Olivia:"You're JOKING right!? LOOK AT WHAT IT DID,WHAT IT DID TO MY PARTNERS...and what it YOU!"
She was right...Kiawe's scars,the guardians powers...even the cities and places they loved.
Everywhere this thing went,destruction followed,the meadow,the city,and now...
Kiawe:"We know...we know that,but all we is someone who knows how to deal with these kinds of things."
Lily looked away,ignoring the conversation,she didn't need this kind of energy or pressure on herself.
Lana:"Is there any place it would go to learn more? Maybe items or TMs?"
Olivia frowned before shaking her head.
Olivia:"This thing doesn't play by the rules,it's attacks are to literal. Golem would've been dead,not doesn't just faint your Pokémon....It can KILL them and-"
Proffesor Kukui:"'s attacks actually harm,we know. It breaks,snaps,kills and not just causes scratch marks or dust marks like our attacks do..."
Snowy was huffing and sniffing around,catching a scent in the air. She jumped out of Lily's arms and trotted behind the Battle Dome. Leaves crunched and bushes shuffled as Snowy made her way through.
When she reached the wall a large cave was dug out,freshly made too. Snowy sniffed around a bit,taking in the scent,Pikachu and the other small Pokémon had followed her,catching their breaths.
"Toge!" [was annoyed]
"Bounsweet..." [was scarred]
"Ruff!" [was excited]
"Popplio?" [was confused]
"Pika?" [was questioning]
They all asked if she was alright and why she came running over here.
She turned around and huffed towards the cavern,feeling a pulse of power,they all recognized it. The guardians...but the guardians were with their trainers,unless.
"Pika Pikaaa!"
Pikachu ran up in front of them all,waving his arms around,realizing it was the monster. Their moods shifted immediately,realizing the danger they were  in. A loud growl boomed out from the darkness,making them all jump.
Well all except for Rockruff and Snowy,they faced the darkness and braced for what was to come,a helicopter from above shined enough light to light up the entrance,a huge,intimidating shadow casted up on the wall,showing different monsters and forms,some roared and reached out,others growled and climbed over,as if trying to get out.
Footsteps of something big echoed,getting softer and softer until...
A person came out,covered in a dirty cloth.

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now