New Face

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The desert was looking as clear as glass,no Pokémon in sight except for the ones digging under the sand. The boy walked around and looked everywhere,the heat was nothing to him. The same couldn't be said about his Pokémon though,they came from a place full of grass,bushes,etc. No business being out here in this blaring heat,Misdreavus dug through his bag again and pulled out a Fresh Water,but the bottle was as hot as the sun,making her drop it and whisp sadly. The boy stopped and looked back,grabbing the bottle and gripping it to the point where it shook.

His hand began to freeze,making the bottle steam and cool down,after a bit he gave her a nice cold drink. She nuzzled against his arm and took the bottle,showing the others before opening it,Formantis chirped as her teammate poured some over her leaves and body,while Cutiefly giggled and sat atop her bulb,getting water while resting at the same time. The boy shook his head and smiled as they came to another intersection
The girls all pointed right,wanting to go that way. The boy looked over and back to them,taking a breath before walking and taking off his bag.

The sun was especially hot over here,but with him,it felt somewhat cooler. The path was a dead end,ending in a cliff wall. There where small patches of green here and there,but heat really caught his eye was a small post,he dropped his bag near the path and sped over,feeling the smooth and rocky texture of its bottom. There was an opening at the top where a shining gem was. Baffled,he reached in and pulled the small crystal out. A small pink crystal with an eye like design in the middle.

He chuckled and shoved it in his pocket,Cutiefly buzzed and shook the water off her wings,Formantis chirped up at him and smiled before hopping uptop his shoulder. As soon as he turned for his bag he froze,seeing a small orange bug rummaging through it. It was biting holes and drinking his drinks. With a quick snap Formantis charged in and slapped it away,making it land on its back,it squirmed and wiggled trying to get upright. The boy scoffed before walking over and helping her.

She chomped her jaws at him before wheezing,it had been a while since she last ate or drank anything so the boy's bag was her only hope for any sustenance. Unfortunately,the only thing he had were the drinks he'd taken,the boy brought out the Pokédex and snapped a photo of her.
"Trapinch,The Ant Pit Pokémon. A Ground type."
Ground type? Interesting...
The boy tucked the dex away and crouched down to meet Trapinch's eyes.
"Oh~ How pretty~"
He reached out to touch her until she snapped her jaws out at him,but he didn't deter,chuckling and playing around with her. She kept her jaws a bit open and followed his arm,growling and snapping as she wheezed.

Her form wobbled forward as the lack of food got to her,the boy sighed and helped her stay up,not like she could really protest. She gave weak growls and shook,standing up to his imposing form. When his large hand loomed over her,she expected the worse and closed her eyes,bracing for a hit. To her surprise though...his whole arm grew green,roots and vines growing out as they dug through the dry,hot sand. Trapinch's eyes marvel at his power,the feeling of danger dwindling as the ground turned green. She chirped and walked closer,closing her eyes before sniffing the sweet aroma of...fruit?

He mouth watered as she leaned forward,opening her eyes and seeing bundles of fruit growing from the vines. Before she moved closer she looked at him,asking for permission with her wide,wanting eyes. The boy chucked and nodded his head,letting the girls join her in eating. Formantis chirped before walking over with Cutiefly and Misdreavus close behind.
Trapinch was kept in the middle as Cutiefly landed on her head and the other two took her sides,each plucking their own fruits.
Cutiefly buzzed in worry,poking her head and giving her a concerned look.
Formantis rolled a fruit to her with one of her vines and urged her to eat.

Trapinch looked at the fruit hesitantly before chomping a chunk out,expecting there to be some trick or trap involved. But it never came,only the sweet and wet taste of food,she was grateful for it,eith enough trust she finally let him pet her head,feeling his rough yet gently hand. Before long all four of them stopped eating,visible budges on their bellies signifying they ate good. Trapinch sighed and climbed onto his lap,resting her body after FINALLY getting some nutrients in her body. She slowly dozed off,not feeling threatened at all.

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now