The final piece

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The group were woken up by nudges and pokes from their pokemon,they were all tied up in sticky thick webs.
The boy on the other hand was crouched with their things,rummaging through them.
Sophocles:"hey...Hey! What are you doing?!"
The boy froze and looked back at him,tilting his head. He stared for a couple more moments before digging through their belongings again.
Olivia:"What's...he looking for?"
He was currently dumping Lana's bag out,pokeballs,pokebeans,pokeFOOD,items all fell out. The boy growled out smacking the things away.
He stood up and walked over to Sophocles,the rumble and echo of his steps flooded their ears.
Sophocles:"What...what do you want..?"
He was shaking,looking up at the boy's bright eyes.
The boy made hand motions,rotating his hands and claws in circles,Sophocles immediately knew what he
wanted,the orb.
Sophocles:"We...We don't know where it is..."
The hesitant look in his face told the boy otherwise,he grabbed Sophocles by the shirt and dragged him over to the bags,hitching a spotlight on him,making the light shine in his face.
Mallow struggled against her restraints,and so did Kukui,he'd been with these kids for Arceus knows how long and won't just stand by when they're in danger.
The boy gripped Sophocles's throat,slowly crushing it.
He pointed to the bags,waiting.
Sophocles:"I told you we don't have it!"
He glared at him,still deciding to be defiant.
The boy studied his face,tilting it and squinting,he shrugged and stood up,dusting his chest before turning around with a smile.
With a blur,he slammed his hand around Lana's throat,making her wheeze and wiggle.
Slowly,he dragged her up,holding her high.
He once again pointed towards the bags,glaring.
Lana winced and wheezed.
Lana:"Don't...tell him Sophocles..! I can handle this!"
Her vision blurred before being thrown away,red marks covered her neck.
The boy wondered,leading his eyes over their friends,their eyes showed hate and disdain. they did...
He growled and turned to Sophocles again,his foot turned into a red,5 fingered paw.
Claws grew over claws before being pressed into Sophocles's chest. The chubby boy whimpered and winced as they dug into his skin,staining his shirt.
The boy raised an eyebrow,sighing.
He looked towards the rest of the group and walked over,reaching for Lily's face,she shut her eyes tight,but nothing happened.
She opened her eyes and saw him reaching past her.
To her horror the boy had grabbed Togedemaru,lifting her up to his face.
She wiggled in his grasp,trying to bite and poke him,she fanned out her scales and stabbed him. But,it just pushed against his skin,he tilted his head before walking back. Sophocles:"W-What..."
Olivia nudged Kukui,trying to get his attention.
Olivia:"Psst! Kukui!"
She wiggled a pokeball loose and rolled it over,Lycanroc quietly popped out and slowly cut the ropes around him,after being freed,Kukui helped the others out,freeing them aswell,Mallow and Lily snuck over and gently dragged Lana back,checking her neck. Sophocles was able to drag himself upward to his knees,seeing the silent movements behind the boy.
He smiled at him,giving him a taunting face. The boy growled out,holding onto Togedemaru like a balloon and slowly crushing her.
She cried out,making Sophocles's smile fade.
Sophocles:"Ok! Ok! Ok! I'll talk! Please just stop hurting her!"
The boy loosened his grip,a bit of blood trickled down her sides,where his hands were. She panted and shook,trying to hold back tears.
The boy snapped and made a large stone rip up from the earth,he smashed Togedemaru against it and began squeezing the air out of her again.
In a booming and echoing voice.
"𐌕𐌄𐌋𐌋 𐋅𐌉𐌌 𐌕Ꝋ 𐌔𐌓𐌉𐌕 Ꝋ𐌵𐌕 𐌕𐋅𐌄 𐌋Ꝋ𐌂𐌀𐌕𐌉Ꝋ𐌍 Ꝋ𐌅 𐌕𐋅𐌄 Ꝋ𐌐𐌁,Ꝋ𐌐 𐌙Ꝋ𐌵'𐌐𐌄 𐌃𐌄𐌀𐌃! "
"T-Toge! Togedemaru!"
She cried out to Sophocles,telling him what the boy said.
Sophocles:"Hey I already said I'd talk! Please!"
The boy stopped,glaring back at him,he waited for Sophocles to speak before-
A giant piece of debris slammed against the boy's body,making him drop a deflated Togedemaru,he turned around to see Olivia with her Golem. Kukui and the others rushed to Togedemaru and Sophocles,freeing him and tending to Togedemaru's wounds. The boy growled out before roaring,causing a Heavy Rain.
He slowly walked towards them reaching his hand out,with a flick of his wrist jagged rocks came out and landed everywhere,Stealth Rock,followed by the same seeds he let out in the store,Leech Seed.
He deepened his throat muscles and let out a ear piercing Screech,dropping all of the Pokémon's defense harshly.
Olivia:"Enough! We're taking you in no matter what!"
The boy just shrugged with a smug grin before charging out,running on all fours. Lycanroc came around and defended them,when the boy brought down another Slash Lycanroc was able to shift and grab the attacking arm,using all his strength Lycanroc slammed him down forcefully,making the ring and ground shake.
But when he landed the stealth rock hurt him a bit,the boy on the other hand came out of the dust with a mangled arm,which steamed and slowly snapped back into place,the popping and crunches made them all wince and grimace. The boy yawned and kissed his hand before slapping the SHIT out of Lycanroc,who fell backwards. But oh no,the boy didn't let him fall,he grabbed him by the rocks on his neck and slapped him again...and again...and again.
Hit 4 times!
Lycanroc wobbled around before shaking his head,growling at the boy,who took their health with a smug look. He used Bulk Up and Agility,making after images around them. Lycanroc tried to land a bite in but only met with dodges and mocking flicks to the snout.
The boy finally pulled back and landed on the corner of the ring,leaning against the ropes. Lycanroc growled out and bared his teeth,slowly walking closer and closer. The boy met his pace and both stood in the middle,staring daggers at eachother.
Lycanroc used Bite and latched onto the boy's arm,catching him off guard.
Before the boy could do anything,he used accelerock,pulling at a high speed until.
The muscle and veins around the boy's shoulder tore with a gut retching rip,his bone and flesh taken straight from the joint,the socket gushed out blood,splashing against the floor of the ring.
Lycanroc had ripped his arm out,holding it limp in his mouth.
Olivia smirked and crossed her arms while Kukui covered the kid's eyes and hiding the Pokémon behind him. Golem cheered out and waved her hands.
Olivia:"Finish it Lycanroc!"
He roared out and spat the arm out,staring at the boy for his next move.
But the boy didn't react,he didn't even move. Lycanroc charged forward,determined to land the final blow.
The boy snapped his sharp eyes to him and stood up,he stared at Lycanroc and swiftly turned to dodge his Bite. He opened his jaws and used Copycat. Sinking his teeth deep into the poor Pokémon's back.
Lycanroc yelped and wiggled violently in his teeth,like a wolf had just caught a rabbit.
The boy bit down harder,audible cracking and tearing could be heard as he put pressure. Golem grew a desperate face and charged out at him,she had a sinking feeling in her stomach that made her move,and fast.
The boy watched her get closer,trying to time the right moment,he spat Lycanroc out,causing him to get sucked back into his pokeball and bench. The boy faced her and slouched,picking his only arm up.
Olivia clenched Lycanroc's ball.
Golem yelled out and slammed her body into him...loud scraping could be heard as the boy pushed her weight away.
He had a bored look on his face and Yawned.
Golem grew drowsy and Yawned aswell,she slowly dropped and fell asleep.
The boy was surprised,was it really that easy? He looked down at his gushing stump and scratched his head,he kicked Golem back towards Olivia and Kukui,making them dodge the giant rock Pokémon.
They all watched in surprise and amazement as steam came off his stump,thick white smoke floated upwards as the socket cracked and squelched,making an arm...and then a forearm...then a hand...and finally,some fingers.
His skin was a bit red as he moved his new arm around,getting used to the nerves and movement.
Both guardians floated around him,staring at his new arm. The boy waved at them and raised a hand,with another wave her sent a thick,purple coated Jab at their bodies,the collision made them crashed into the opposite side,they were poisoned again. But this did not stop them,they floated around before Tapu Koko hurled down a Steel Wing,the boy caught it but the momentum traveled down his body and made craters where his feet were.
He threw the guardian over his shoulder and sighed,still bored from the lack of attacks.
When Tapu Lele attacked,he snapped his eyes to her and attempted to grab her,but she twirled to his side and shot a Psybeam at him,the boy grew wide eyed and guarded with his arms,he took the attack point blank. Tapu Lele winced and poured all her power into the single attack,the way he HURT her,BURNED her,BIT her. All this fueled her determination to bring this boy to justice.
Her power sputtered and the Psybeam flickered,but she kept on blasting the beam as much as she could. The boys shadow knelt there with his arms up,Tapu Lele dropped her arms limp and panted,the boy's body on the other hand,was absolutely charred,some flesh fell off.
Exposing the bone,muscle,and veins underneath.
His jaw hung off a hinge and swinged side to side as he tried to stand,his leg gave out with a nasty crunch,blood pooled around him. After a few moments of silence his body steamed again,growing and healing him better than before.
Tapu Lele shook with fear,seeing that her efforts were for nothing.
Tapu Koko flew down and tried slamming a Steel Wing into him,the boy slammed his hand around his neck and stopped him in his tracks.
Tapu Koko gripped onto his arm and pulled as hard as he could,but to no avail. The boy brought him down to Tapu Lele,smiling at the terror she felt and showed. That's when he turned Tapu Koko around and slammed his forehead into his,making a loud cracking noise. Tapu Koko saw white and red,a wave of pain flooding his face as their skulls connected.
The other Pokémon came close and shot their own attacks,Golem was barely waking up.
But as they tried,the attacks gave out,either disappearing or falling to the floor. They looked at their trainers confused before trying again,but couldn't,no matter how hard they tried.
The group tried motivating them but got nowhere,not even Olivia's Golem could use Thunder Punch. Knowing they couldn't use any moves,they backed up,the boy hurled Tapu Koko away and kicked Tapu Lele back.
Neither of them could use moves either,a pink hue radiate from the boy's hand.
Professor Kukui:"We need to leave...he used Imprison!"
Their eyes widen before looking back at the boy. He closed his hand and fanned it,smiling at them as he walked closer.
Professor Kukui:"Imprison is a powerful Psychic-type can keep our movesets locked if the user knows the same moves."
Mallow:"And since we've fought it over and over..."
Kiawe:"It knows our Pokémon's moves."
Everyone backed up as he stepped closer,snapping his fingers,by now the skin and muscles on his body fully healed and hardened. He was about to let out a Psybeam on them,charging it up in his palms until...

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now