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The sun was barely touching the horizon,casting a warm light over the canopies and nature,the boy,who was currently slumped on a rock legless,stared at it. Different pokemon surrounded him,cooling him down from the flaring rays.
The attack he had brought to the city scarred lots of people,and they knew his face,no one would try and get near without alerting someone. He sighed,petting the head of a Formantis and looking at the sun.
The small Pokémon nuzzle into his touch squeaking and shuddering,It crawled closer and plopped onto his lap,she knew the boy wouldn't be able to move so she decided to pick at him.
Her small claws poked at the stumps,watching with sparkling eyes as they grew back and walked down his now completed leg. As soon as he could,the boy grabbed her and stood up,stretching his new appendages.
She wiggled in his grasp before chewing on his finger. Unamused he let her,feeling the skin regenerate at the same time,but he was hungry,starving even. He'd burn out the food he did eat pretty quick and the Formantis was starting to look tasty,he shivered the thought away and carried her across the forest,but a new perspective crossed his mind,seeing all the different lush plants and Pokémon. He waved it off,the nature in his world was just like it if not better.
They walked and walked until a body of water could be seen through the trees inside a clearing,his grip on Formantis softened,allowing her to wiggle out and climb up to his shoulder,making him cringe.
He stared at her for a bit before sighing and walking down the soft tuff,the Pokémon felt the presence of the island guardian and looked up,shocked to see a boy instead,most of them backed up but the brave few walked or flied beside him,Formantis wasn't happy,swiping her little sickle like petals at those who got to close,as soon as he crouched to the water they stood still,giving him space,Formantis used his bend back as a seat,bathing in the sun.
He didn't mind,needing to drink some water anyway,but his back muscles moved as he kept moving down over and over again,making her squeak and poke him.
He looked at her and bared his teeth,but to his surprise she glared and slapped his head down...intriguing...
He smiled before looking at her again,her eyes were wide before shaking in place.
Confused he looked down again,seeing a yellow eye staring back at him,this power...this immense power that felt as heavy as one of his forms...no...MORE.
It had a blue shine to its hide with a white underbelly,resembling a whale.
A red streak acted like a border between both sides.
The boy's wide eyes traveled down its majestic form,Formantis crawled up his back and peeked over his shoulder with shaking fear,the boy was shocked...this was a new presence,levels above the guardians.
As he reached down,the figure shifted at his touch,welcoming it for a moment.
Before he knew,the boy had his arm blown off,making him freeze and stare at the stump,the figure's eye widened at his reaction,and even more when the arm grew back.
Before either of them got to make a move,Formantis hissed at the large figure,throwing Slashes at the water,the figure grew angry,throwing water like a tidal wave.
A rainbow shined through as it began boiling and steaming. The boy's eyes go wide before grabbing Formantis off his intact shoulder and whirling around,covering her with his body. The water slammed against him,burning with impossible temperatures,Formantis tried wiggling out to check on him,trembling and staring with guilty eyes.
When the steam settled his back was blistering and torn,he growled and turned his sharp eyes down to the water.
Formantis crawled up his chest and looked at the wounds,trying her best to fan and cool them down,for some reason this calmed him down,seeing Formantis so worried set his priorities to her.
The figure squinted its eyes and disappeared,down into the depths and darkness. The wounds healed and grew anew. Formantis squeaked in delight and hugged his neck,he rolled his eyes and stared down at the water,wondering who or what that was...
Formantis jumped down and chirped,waddling through the grass and under a tree,when the boy reached her,he could see her stuffing her face with berries. He crouched down and grabbed one,a sweet,pink plump one.
As his teeth sunk down his eyes dilated,a heavenly taste covered his buds like a blanket,he sat down with her and ate more, the sun was at high noon,shining bright over the tree giving them shade,he looked down at Formantis and squinted his eyes,wondering why she wasn't scared,his gaze was met with a tilted and confused look from her,after a bit she stuffed a berry in his mouth,making him gag and choke it down.
Then to make it worse,she splashed water into his face to try and make him better,his face glowed a red heat,drying the water. She jumped up and bonked his nose with her leaves. Annoyed,the boy got up and rubbed his eyes,beginning to walk off. As he did he felt her crawl up his leg,causing him to stop and watch. She wiggled up his abdomen and chest all the way up to his shoulder,sitting herself down. He twitched before continuing on,they were in complete darkness due to the thick overlapping canopies. He grew a pair of antena and opened the flaps,shining a bright light to illuminate their surroundings,Formantis poked at them before crawling up to sit in his hair.
Using the light as his guide,he maneuvered his way through before stepping on something squishy. He froze and looked down,seeing a purple slime coating his foot before sliding out and reforming,the boy crouched and tilted his head,poking the jelly like form and watching it wiggle.
That's when his body shivered,this thing-pokemon had a powerful ability,immediately he slammed his head down,sinking his teeth into the thing. It screeched and violently shook,seeing it squirm only fueled the boy's anger,heating his teeth to be burning orange.

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now