Land Ho

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Lily:"GUYS! HE'S OUT!"
Those words echoed through the ship,repeating themselves off the walls,the boy ignored her and ran his hand over the wall,feeling its sleek design.
His side and back grew white plates,his eyes turned blue as orange tusks grew from his canines. Lana and Lily watched in fear.
Snowy seemed interested in this half form,she could feel the ice coming off his aura and body.
The boy got down on all fours and dug his claws into the floorboards,Kukui and the others rushed out of their rooms and landed their eyes on the boy's form. His muscles tensed before he snapped his head to the side and slammed his body into the wall. The ship tilted dangerously,threatening to tip over.
Lily dropped Snowy as she fell,making the Pokémon roll and slide towards him. He snapped his head to her and caught her in his arms,expecting an attack.
But she just stared at him with interest and curiosity,he raised an eyebrow and exhaled a growl,cold air fell from his tusks and froze the carpeting in a light blue sheet.
While he was distracted Bounsweet swiped the tracker back with her vines,Mallow took her into her arms and ran off while the others formed a line.
Amused,the boy threw Snowy into a room and trapped her in by covering the door with the same mucus and bone.
More people came out of their rooms,noticing the hybrid in the halls. They all ran in terror and fear,pushing the group out to the deck.
"That was easy."
He sighed and began to make his way out,but not before destroying everything he saw. Flipping tables,breaking vases,even tripping the sprinkler system.the halls were in shambles. The boy went into some of the rooms and explored. Security on the other hand was keeping everyone on the first deck,not letting them back inside.
Kiawe:"Move it we need to get back in!"
"No can do kid,no one is going it until we identify what kind of pokemon it is."
Ash:"It's not a Pokémon! It might be worse than anything we've encountered!"
He tried explaining but they wouldn't listen.
"Please kid your over-"
The floor under him shook,they looked down and saw the boards protruding out,each hit was making them loose. That was when the group's Pokémon began helping to break it.
They tried stopping them,until Snowy popped her head out and looked at them.
She squealed out and wiggled her way into Lily's arms,apparently the room the boy trapped her in was directly under them.
How convenient!
Concerning enough,the ship was eerily quiet,despite there being a monster on the ship,slowly but surely,people began leaving in life rafts,and another ship was headed their way. Of course they were all headed to Melemele,but it's obviously going to take longer.
The boy waved down at them from one of the big satellite disks. They looked up at him and ushered the other passengers off to fill the last places.
"There's not enough room! Let those kids on first!"
Kukui shook his head,motioning to the unmoved group of students and smiling.
Professor Kukui:"I don't think we're moving from here,you guys need to get out...we're the only ones who've fought with him."
The cops gave concerned looks to eachother before nodding and unhooking the final raft. Sophocles was standing confident and terrified at the same time.
Sophocles:"Would've been nice if they waited..."
He mumbled through a shaky smile,as soon as the people were a safe distance away they turned to the boy with glares.
"Oh~ How frightening,I'm quaking right now."
He leaned on the pole and stared them down,the tension was high as no one moved.
"Just give me the doohickey and...I WON'T kill you right now."
He lifted his arms to the sky,dozens of blue bugs began to surround him.
Tapu Koko recognized them and felt his stomach sink. Before he could tell the others,the clouds darkened and rumbled.
A spine shivering screech echoed through the heavens as a blue bolt of lightning hit the boy and engulfed the area around him into charred metal and orange hot debris...
This lighting was different,halfway through the strike it turned a golden yellow,lighting him up like a beacon. His skin tore open and showed bright glowing flesh underneath. Pikachu and Togedemaru covered with eachother,from where they were standing their cheeks flickered and zipped with electricity. Even Tapu Koko was shaking,not by fear but by paralysis,he recognized his power within the monster yet...he wasn't using it. Was he holding back the first time they met.
"It's funny,the face you have on? Supposed guardian."
The boy took a step down,sending out a zap of electricity to the nearby lights and metal. Lightbulbs and abandoned phones exploded and sizzled. Their energy and power were being sucked and stored down.
"This goes great with Stockpile you know,I'm truly grateful that your people brought me here."
He balanced himself on a melting safety bar,watching them with a smile,his hair stood like horns. Tapu Koko glared at him and pushed the group back,he lowered himself across from the jolting boy. He could feel his skin and armor go numb even from where he was standing. Right when it seemed like the boy was about to unleash his wrath,a red gleamed shined from the skies.
All of them looked up and felt another powerful presence,as the figure zoomed closer,Kukui's eyes widened,he was surprised that this Pokémon would come this far,had he really felt the kid's power from his Island?
Both guardians looked to the sky,feeling a familiar power closing in at extreme speeds. As it got closer they could see his form,red horns and all.

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now