Observing and Noting

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Horrible just horrible.
Tapu Koko was stuck in a bed while Blissey was poking and prodding at his wounds,slowly healing and wrapping them up. The group of students were outside watching through the one way mirror,their hope of beating this thing began to dwindle.
Lana:"Oh this is just terrible,look at the state of him."
She cuddled Popplio and frowned.
Kiawe crossed his arms and studied the guardian,watching the bite mark heal and close,it left a faint scar along his stomach but was fine either way.
Professor Kukui:"This is bad,if this thing could easily defeat one of our guardians..."

He shuddered at what else could happen.
Kiawe slammed a fist down on the nearby table,sliding everything off and pulling out a marker.
Kiawe:"Sophocles,what do we know about this thing?"
Sophocles gulped and looked at Togedemaru.
Sophocles:"W-Well umm...it's something new that's for sure haha..."
He cleared his throat and grabbed another marker,writing down notes and making a faint sketch.
Sophocles:"We know it has 3 different forms,all with different types.
Ash fought it's first form,the one with spikes all over?"

Ash walked over and drew a sketch of its head,it's giant horns sharp and long.
Sophocles:"We were there when it latched onto the plane and crashed it into the beach"
Ash:"Oh right,i never thanked you guys for saving us,especially Pikachu..."
He pet and let Pikachu climb up his shoulder.
Lana:"Of course,the form we saw was distinctive to a dragon,with azure scales and a spiked tail."
She drew a detailed sketch of the scaled body and tail.
Kiawe:"But it wasn't just that it had poison,we all saw what happened to Pikachu"

Sophocles:"But that's not possible no pokemon can have more than two types!"
Mallow:"you forget that this thing isn't a Pokémon Sophocles."
Lana:"R-Right! Something brought it here,it's not apart of this world. What has the news said?"
She drew it's third form,a flat wide mouthed monster with jagged scales and a fin like tail.
Professor Kukui:"Ok,it's first form what's up with it?"
Everyone turned to the sketch as Sophocles opened a computer,pulling up different photos,from the rift opening all the way to the crash site.
Sophocles:"Well the wings and black spikes can clearly put it as Dragon/Dark,but through the videos I've looked through I've never seen it use special attacks. It slammed its whole BODY into the side of the plane see?"
He turned the computer to show a shaky video following the monster's first form. Sure enough,the monster seemed to open its arms and slam the plane into a sort of bear hug.
Sophocles:"So technically it can also be categorized as Fighting too. It tore the plane apart with its bare body."

Ash:"Don't forget Flying,it didn't touch the ground once."
Sophocles nodded and listed the types under the sketch.
Lily:"Fascinating...FOUR types in just it's first form..."
Lana:"It's statistics are probably through the roof...what about its second form?"
Sophocles skimmed through his computer again,pulling up a photo of the dark azure monster. It's wings were spread wide and pridefully,surrounded by a ring of fire.
Kiawe:"So...clearly Dragon type,and Fire,I'll never forgive it for what it did to my Turtonator..."
Lana and Ash winced as they remember what happened.
Mallow:"Fire must be its first element,did you see the color of those flames? And for a Pokémon like Turtonator to crack under just one fireball..."
Kiawe tapped the table with a finger.
Kiawe:"Poison DON'T forget Poison,just a slash and 2 minutes was enough to get Pikachu into critical condition."
Lily:"D-Don't forget flying too!"
She was really shy,but wanted to be of help to the others,she felt so useless during the attack that she'd do anything to not be a burden.

Sophocles:"Gosh,another four types,this guy is no joke..."
They moved onto the third and final form.
Professor Kukui:"Hmm,for sure it's a ground type,look at the movements of it inside the sand,have you ever seen a Pokémon SWIM in sand? Not to mention those giant jaws."
Sophocles:"We could also put it under dark,it hid under the sand and snuck up on Kiawe,dark types are known to use tricks and bad sportsmanship to survive and win."
Professor Kukui:"So first."
He took a photo of their notes and took Sophocles's computer,setting it up to a projector.
Professor Kukui:"Dragon/Dark/Fighting and Flying."
He typed in on the computer as the students watched,Tapu Koko tapped on the window and ripped the door handle off,a few moments he floated into the room and took the marker from Kiawe.
Everyone watched in awe of the guardian,it was the first time they'd seen him so up close.
Ash:"Tapu Koko? You need to rest,what are you..."
The guardian shakily drew the wolf-like form he encountered,giving detail to the tail and head of the monster.

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