Mallow's Misfortune

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Charizard was less than confident with this idea,but he was already coming up on the island and there was no turning back,that and he didn't want to disappoint Kiawe after the whole incident,but something told him that he would've been 100 percent understanding of him if he didn't want to go.
He snapped out of his thoughts as Leafage flew past him,making him dodge to the side,the monster turned to fly backwards and fanned his wings out,making them light up and shoot out glowing leaves,charizard growled and dodged past them,flapping his own wings as hard as he could to catch up to him.
As the moonlight shined both of their bodies and the sea crashed beneath them,the thick forests of the island greeted them in a dark green canopy. The beast spewed out smoke and covered the air in a thick,black Smog again.
As Charizard attempted to navigate his way through,it felt like trying to swim through syrup,tiring his wings and body.
But he managed to get through,seeing the moonlight again,the only problem? The beast was gone,poof,disappeared.
That was until a ringing behind him caught his attention,he flapped his aching wings and 180ed. The beast was flying down at him with great speed,and due to the energy he used to get through the Smog he couldn't dodge fast enough.
The beast screeched and crashed into him,latching onto his neck and stomach with a grip only described as burning and numbing.
The heat was to much,even for a fire type like him,he tilted his head as best he could and saw the talons of the beast burning red and literally cooking him alive. He roared in pain and slammed his tail against the beasts joint,making him bend and let go of his neck,but as he was about to go for the other leg,the beast threw him up and spread his wings out,Charizard wiggled around,but this only made the beast grip onto the bone tighter,almost cracking it.
He looked up at the beast's clear orange eyes,feeling the world slow down.
His body relaxed and almost fell into a trance,had anyone seen this kid's forms so up close?
The world came back as it roared in his face,making the same screeching noise as before. Charizard immediately cover his ears,but having the attack blasted right in his face was too much and made his start seeing double. The monster snapped his jaw shut and growled out,seeing that Charizard was on the brink of unconsciousness. As soon as the Fire type came to his senses he pulled one of his wings out,slapping it in the beast's beak,this was his first mistake...
The beast timed the slaps and snapped his jaws around his wing,Charizard roared our in pain,clawing and biting to no avail,the beast had shifted his beak as hard as he could.
A nasty,wet crunch emitted into the air as the beast both dislocated and snapped the bone in the poor Pokémon's wing,making him yelp out and go limp with only his one good wing flapping weakly...
and down he went,falling down as the air blew past him. Was this the end for Charizard? Of course it wasn't,he snapped his eyes open and flailed around,seeing that the ground was coming in fast.
He looked at his limp wing,turning red and purple around the broken and dislocated parts,grabbing onto it and taking deep breaths,with a yank an audible pop could be heard as he snapped it back into place,even if it was broken still,he could still open it enough to glide.
He slowly shifted his body up and used the momentum to soar upwards through the canopies,trying and trying hard until he was right above them. His wing gave out completely and he crashed through the trees and vines,leving him hanging there unconscious and battered up.
The monster had seen the final display of energy,huffing and landing with a poof down on the sandy beach where he shifted back into a human.
He took a deep breath and stretched,scratching his neck and dusting off any evidence of attacks. One problem.
He was naked again.
He growled and dropped the items he had,he threw away the girls' bags and dug through Sophocles's,throwing out food,items,and pokeballs. Until finally...the Tracker!
He smiled to himself lifting the doohickey to the sky and opening it,but...he didn't know how to use it. Annoyed,he flipped and tapped it,trying to get it to do something,after a while he gave up,having to stop himself from snapping it to pieces and disintegrating them. The crouched down and thought to himself until an idea came to mind. He brought the thing up to his nose and sniffed.!
His nose caught the scent of people in similar scent to Sophocles. He turned back to their things and shoved them into a pile under a bush. After that,he followed the scent before stopping...he was still naked.
He hesitated before thinking,that was when he caught the scent of something delicious,original and deep with seasoning. His orange eyes dilated and followed it,tucking the tracker...under his arm.
Under the cover of darkness,he ran on all fours towards the scent,crossing the road and into the alleys of the city he once destroyed.
He crouched as he heard voices and seeing a man saying bye to his friends,the boy smiled devilishly before yanking him into the dark alley and holding him.
The man began shouting and struggling which made him wince,snapping his head around for a solution before a light bulb lit up over his head,he took the man and slammed his head into the brick wall.

Thrown into battle! (Male!Monster hunter gen 1-5 reader x Pokémon)Where stories live. Discover now