Chapter 18

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Kate was driving carefully and Anntonia can't be thankful enough. She really can't stomach the feeling of riding a car because of some past trauma. She wouldn't sit on it unless Michelle is the one who's driving. However, she knew that Kate was just being nice to her.

"Don't worry Anntonia. Max told me about your trauma. I'll make sure you'll be safe. I won't let anything bad happen to you" Kate said.

"Thank you Kate" Anntonia said.


"So, you love Michelle?" Kate asked.

"Kate, I don't want to talk about it" Anntonia said.

"So, I'm right. You are in love with her" Kate teased.

Anntonia was about to retort when someone called on Kate's phone, the girl pressed her Bluetooth earpiece and spoke.

"Yes, hello?" Kate said.

"Michelle's tailing you" Max said.

Kate looked at the rare-view mirror and saw Michelle riding a scooter.

"hahahaahaha. OMG she looks cute" Kate said.

"Huh what-" Anntonia looked at the rear-view mirror and saw Michelle.

Michelle was throwing signs at Kate to stop the car but the driver was just laughing at her.

"What do you want to do Anntonia?" Kate asked her.

"What do you mean?" Anntonia asked.

"Do you want me to stop the car or do you want me to just drive and ignore her. It's you call" Kate said.

However, Kate is already slowing down the car while Anntonia is making her decisions. So, the younger girl was shocked seeing Michelle miraculously caught up with them.

"What the hell, Kate! Stop the car I need to talk to Ann!" Michelle shouted.

"Ann, just say the magic word and I'll stop the car" Kate sounds like she's enjoying this.


"You know, I still want to live and get married and have lots of babies" Kate said.

"Oka- Michelle!" Anntonia shouted when she saw Michelle fell on the motorbike.

However, Michelle just stood up like nothing happened and didn't even bother to dust off herself and run towards the car. Kate became a little playful and sped up.

"Kate!" Anntonia shouted.

"Don't worry, we'll just make her a little tired" Kate said playfully.

The car is slowly gaining speed and Michelle is running so fast. Like she was running for her life.

"No! Kate, please. Stop the car. Now!" Anntonia shouted.

"Hey! Kate!" they heard Michelle shouting.

"Stupid Michelle! Kate, I swear if you don't stop the car right now!" Anntonia yelled.

Kate laughed and stepped on the breaks. When the car came to a halt. Anntonia went down and run towards Michelle who's running towards her.

"Ann-" Michelle said as her knees gave up and she fell to the ground.

"What were you thinking!!" Anntonia shouted.

"I- I need to- (*pants*) talk to you. I need to (*pants*) tell you that I love you... I love you too" Michelle tried hard to come out with words that she wanted to tell Anntonia.

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