Chapter 7

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Alexis POV

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Alexis POV

"Hello" I said as I answered the phone without looking at the caller id because I'm so tired

Today is our day off and I thought day offs meant to be sleeping and not waking me up early.

"Well, good morning to you too" Niall said in the other line

"What do you want, Horan?" I asked him

"Meet us in the lobby in 30 minutes. We are going to explore the city today" Niall said

"Do we have to do that this morning?" I asked him

"Yep so get ready and get your butt down to the lobby" he said

"What if I don't get ready right now?" I asked him

"If you don't get up right now. I will come to your room and drag you out of bed" he said

"Fine. I'll get up. See you in 30" I told him

"Okay good. See you later" he said

I hung up the phone after he finished the call. I groaned but got out of bed because I know Niall would barge into my room and get out of bed. I got up from my bed and went to take a shower.

Today we are in Atlanta. We have a day off today but Niall has a show tomorrow and I guess we are going to explore the city today according to Niall. Once I got ready I put a little bit of makeup to be a bit presentable and not be the ugly one in the group. After I got ready I grabbed my phone and handbag and headed to the lobby. Once I got to the lobby I saw Niall, the band, Tara, and Lewis. Tara and I have been close on this tour. It's good to have someone that's a girl I could talk to. Niall saw me coming to the lobby and smiled at me.

"Good morning" he said

"I hate you" I told him and he chuckled

"You hate me because I woke you up this morning?" he asked as he stood beside me

"Yep" I told him

"Good morning" Tara said as she saw me and gave me a hug and I hugged her back

"Good morning. Did this one woke you up too?" I asked her as I pointed at Niall when I said this one

"Hey this one has a name" Niall said

"Yeah and his name is to be quite" I told him and Tara chuckled

"I'm guessing you don't like mornings?" Jake asked since he was close to us

"Nope. But, I got used to it since we have been on you for couple of months" I told him

"See, so you don't need to be mad at me since you are getting used to this" Niall said and I just chuckled

"To answer your question, yes he did wake me up and apparently he's excited about today" Tara said

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