Chapter 44

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(Author Note: I don't know any of Niall's friends. These people are made for this fanfic)

September 13, 2020

Niall's birthday

Niall POV

I woke up this morning with Alexis placing kisses on my stomach. I know when I wake up she will stop and I just want to enjoy this moment. She placed kisses all the way up to my chest and then on my neck. I moaned when she found my sweat spot.

"Alexis" I moaned

Before I could open my eyes Alexis kissed my lips. I smiled and kissed her back. I slipped my tongue under hers and she gladly accepted me. I opened my eyes during the kiss and then she pulled away to smile at me.

"Good morning" she said

"Good morning" I told her

"Happy birthday" she said and I smiled at her

"Thank you petal. You know that's the best way to wake up on somebody's birthday?" I asked her and she blushed a little

"Oh yeah? Did you like that?" she asked

"Yes I did very much. Maybe you could give me more of that?" I asked her

"Maybe" she said as she leaned into kiss me but laid down back on the bed before she did "Maybe not" she giggled as she looked at me

"You're such a tease. Did you know that?" I asked as I looked at her

"No I'm not" she said as she slapped my face lightly and I smiled at her "How do you feel about turning 28 and all?" she asked

"I don't feel different. I still feel the same" I told her

"You don't feel like getting older?" she asked me and I shrugged

"Not really. I feel the same" I told her

"You know I just realized?" she asked and I put a piece of hair behind her hair to make her smile

"What did you realize?" I asked her

"In 2 years you would be 30 and you would be in the grandpa age" she said and I chuckled

"Really? You were just thinking about I'll be a grandpa when I'm turning 30?" I asked her

"Well, it's true. You kind have bad knees right now. Wait till you turn 30" she said

"I will have bad knees and grey hair" I told her

"Yes you will" she said

"Will you still love me when I have grey hair?" I asked her

"Of course I would. Just don't go too grey okay grandpa" she said

She squealed as I got on top of her and I smiled down at her.

"What did you just call me?" I asked her

"Nothing" she said

"Oh really? I think you just called me a grandpa" I told her

"No I didn't" she giggled

I smirked and kissed her lips. She smiled as she kissed me back. I pulled away from the kiss and kissed her jaw to make her sigh. I kissed down to her neck to make her giggle.

"Niall stop" she giggled

I bite down to her to make her laugh until I found her sweat spot to make her moan.

"Niall" she moaned

I pulled away from her to neck to look at her.

"Yes" I told her and she slapped on top of my head "Great. It's my birthday and I'm getting a hit on top of my head" I said and she giggled

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