Chapter 10

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Alexis POV

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Alexis POV

After our cuddle session this morning we both got up and got ready to go to the airport. We told the crew what's happening and I'm going back home and Niall is coming with me. Niall told his tour manager to cancel some shows because of what his happening. I feel bad that Niall has to cancel some shows because of me but he says it will be okay and we can reschedule but I still feel bad.

Once we packed and everything David took us to the airport and Niall and I went through security and baggage claim. Our plane was about to board already so Niall and I went to the plane. We found our seats and I sat down next to the window seat and Niall sat beside me.

"How are you feeling? You didn't eat breakfast this morning or dinner last night. You need to eat something" Niall told me

"I'm not hungry" I told him

I'm not feeling to eat right now because of what's happening. I don't want food into my mouth right now because I don't feel like eating. I just feel sad because of this situation. Niall sighed on what I said to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey I know you're sad about what's happening right now but I don't want you to starve and I bet your parents doesn't want you to starve either. So, I suggest you to eat something" Niall told me and I looked at him

He is right my parents doesn't want me to starve but I just don't want to eat.

"I just don't want to eat" I told him

He sighed and grabbed something from his bag. I looked at him at what he was grabbing and it was a bagel that is wrapped in a bag.

"I got an extra one for you because I know you love your cheese cream bagel. I'm going to put it here to see if you would eat it and if you're not I'm going to feed it to you" he said as he put the bagel on my tray but I didn't dare to touch it "Okay, then I'm going to feed you" he said after a few minutes

He grabbed the bagel and got the wrapping out of it and started to feed me if I'm a child or something. Sometimes I would be embarrassed of someone feeding me but this time I don't care. I was getting hungry when I saw the food and let Niall feed me. I looked at everyone that's on the plane they weren't looking at us. They were just busy doing their own thing which I liked.

"Now was that good?" Niall asked as he finished feeding the bagel

"Yes. Thank you" I told him and he smiled at me

"You're welcome. Here drink some water" he said as he handed me a water bottle

I took it and took a few sips of water and gave back to him.

"You okay now?" he asked me

"Yes. Thanks for feeding me and giving me some water" I told him shyly and he chuckled

"You're welcome. I'm trying to do what is best for you like eating" he said and I smiled at him "If you want to why don't you tell me something about your parents?" he asked me

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