Never Say Xever

526 17 8

I don't own this picture! 


Me, April and my brothers are out and about since April wanted to show us this new restaurant she found. 

Me and April were walking out in the open, while I'm in normal everyday clothes, but I still have my kamas strapped to my waist. My brothers on the other hand were walking very slowly and trying to stay out of sight.  

"You guys want to speed it up a little?" April asked. 

My brothers peak from the behind the corner.

"Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donnie asked. 

"That's a hurtful stereotype." Mikey said. 

"Trust us, April, Y/n. We are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist." Leo stated. 

"Sorry. I'm just so excited to get you out of the sewer for a change." April stated. 

"What are you talking about? We go out all the time." Raph stated. 

"Yeah, but tonight you're going to do something besides hitting people." I stated. 

"Aww." Raph whined. 

"Don't worry. You're going to love this noodle place I found." April stated. 

"And you're sure we'll be welcome?" Donnie asked. 

"Oh, yeah. Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like. In fact, he won't even know what you look like. He's blind." April stated. 

"Awesome. I mean, for us obviously." Mikey said. 

Suddenly something shattered. Me, April and the boys look at a restaurant. a man was being attacked by thugs.

"Oh, no." April said, worried. 

We headed over and saw a group of men crashing the place.

"Who are those creeps?" Donnie and I asked in unison. 

"The Purple Dragons. They think they own the streets around here." April stated. 

Inside, a man with a black sleeveless shirt and goatee pokes Murakami, attempting to intimidate him, but Murakami knocks him away. As the man writhes, his partners laugh at him, angering the leader, who mercilessly knocked Murakami.

"So much for not hitting people tonight." I stated, taking out my kamas. 

"Oh, well." Raph said, excitedly. 

"Booyakasha!" Mikey exclaimed as we burst into the restaurant and the Purple Dragons look at us. 

"All right, let him go. You don't want any trouble." Leo stated. 

"We, on the other hand, do." Raph stated. 

"Whoa, those guys were serious. There really are giant turtles and they weren't kidding about the girl, she's hot." The leader, Fong stated, smirking at me. 

Raph brought me behind him while the rest of the gang glared at my brothers. 

"You've heard of us? Dudes, we're famous." Mikey said. 

"That's bad, Mikey." I stated. 

"Oh. Right." Mikey stated. 

"Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours. So why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from? And you, why hang out with these freaks when you could be hanging with us?" Fong asked. 

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