Karai's Vendetta

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I don't own this picture! 


In the lair, Father is training April and my brothers are training amongst themselves. It's been hard for me to focus since I found that I'm related to the Shredder. 

Leo easily dodges Donnie's attack, grabs his bo staff and impressively punches him away with his one hand. April tries to hit Splinter, but he turns her head to the turtles. Raph comforts Mikey.

"What you gonna do? What you gonna do? What you gonna do?" Mikey asked, teasingly. 

Raph attacks...but Mikey's Ninjitzu technique gets impressive, after he dodges Raph's attacks, grabs his hands and kicks him to the ground.

"Booyakasha! You got faced! Thought you had me, but I played you like a trombone." Mikey said. 

"Play time's over, tough guy!" Raph stated as he defeated Mikey. 

"Put me down! Enough! Uncle!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"I don't see you tapping out." Raph stated. 

"I can't move my arms." Mikey stated. 

"Then tap your horrible, disgusting middle toe." Raph stated as he dropped Mikey. 

"Don't worry, stubby. You're not as horrible as he says." Mikey said to his middle toe. 

"Michelangelo, why did you give up so easily?" Father asked. 

"There was nothing I could do." Mikey stated. 

"There is always something you can do. Observe. Raphael, kannuki jime!" Father stated. 

Raph struggles to lift Splinter. 

"The key is to unbalance your opponent." I stated. 

"Correct." Father stated. 

"But how?" Mikey asked. 

"However you can. For example..." Father said. 

Father uses his tongue and then knocks out Raph.

"You see? There is always a way. Blech, and you need to take a bath." Father said. 

Me, Leo, Raph and Mikey were in the living room, Leo was watching Space Heroes and I was playing a new guitar piece April got me. 

"Hey, guys. Guess what April and I have been up to. That's right! Analyzing sewage." Donnie stated. 

"Who says you don't know how to show a girl a good time?" Raph asked, sarcastically. 

In the lab, Donnie holds a beaker of green liquid to the rest of us.

"April and I were going through some files on the Kraang storage device. We found out that they're using a special process to change Earth's water into Kraang water." Donnie said. 

"They've already started the process. We found a low concentration of Kraang chemicals in the sewage." April stated. 

"And I take it that's a bad thing." Raph said. 

"Watch what happens when I dip this slice of Mikey's shrimp and sardine pizza into pure Kraang water." Donnie said, as he puts the pizza in the water, it dissolves.

"How do you sleep at night?" Mikey asked. 

"Presently, there's only a tiny bit in the water supply, but the concentration is increasing, which means..." Donnie stated. 

"Every slice of pizza in New York will be destroyed?" Mikey asked. 

"Along with anyone who uses water." April and I stated in unison. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat