A Chinatown Ghost Story

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I don't own this picture! 


In the lair, me and my brothers are in the living when Donnie, April and Casey walk in. 

"Hey, April, Casey, Donnie, how did patrol go?" I asked as I covered my head with my hood to hide my ears.

"It was going smoothly until we ran into the Purple Dragons." April stated. 

"Ah, it's no big deal, April. Those guys are like a level-one boss battle. Who cares about the Purple Dragons anyway?" Mikey asked. 

Then my parents walked in with Phoenix in my mother's arms. 

"N/n? Who are they and why is she holding Phoenix in her arms?" Casey asked as he walked up to me. 

"Casey, you know I've been looking for my parents, well, here they are, F/n and M/n Oroku. Mother, Father, this is Casey, my boyfriend, my other half." I stated. 

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Oroku." Casey apologized, freaking out a little. 

"It's okay, son; you didn't know." Father stated. 

"Casey, the reason, my mother was holding Phoenix is because she can't let her go. Mother thinks she's too cute." I stated. 

"She's too cute, you can't blame, can you dear?" Mother asked me. 

"No, Mother, I can't; but can you at least let her eat and stretch once in a while." I stated as I took Phoenix into my arms and she purred. 

"It's okay, my little phoenix, mother's got you." I said, calmly. 

"Hey, N/n? Where are you wearing your hood?" Casey asked. 

"No, Casey, wait!" I said, but he already removed my hood to reveal my ears.

"N/n? You have ears?!" Casey asked. 

"Wait, what?" April asked. 

"When did this happen?" Casey asked. 

I told them about that day, how I found my parents, how Karai was like a sister to me now and how I got mutated into a neko mutant. April and Casey look at me, shocked and my ears go down. 

"You probably think I'm weird, don't you?" I asked. 

"Are. You. Kidding me?! You are adorable, more than before!" Casey exclaimed as he picked me up and spun me around. 

My tail started wagging, Casey started rubbing my ears and I started purring. 

"Aww, my little neko warrior." Casey said as he kept my ears, which felt so good. 

"We don't think you're weird. Have you forgotten who you live with? You live with four mutant turtles and a mutant rat for a family. In fact, I think being a neko actually suits you. Cats are feisty, strong, loyal and very cute, just like you." April stated. 

"You got me there." I purred. 

"How about we head out, go to the ice rink?" Casey asked. 

"As much as I would love to do that, I need to learn how to control my new abilities, but I promise, soon we can have a real date. You go have fun with April. Bring Irma with you." I stated, mouthing the last bit to April and she nodded. 

"Alright, if you're sure. I love you, my kitty." Casey said, as he gave me a quick kiss before leaving with April. 

A little while later, Casey came running into the lair and told us what happened.

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now