Annihilation: Earth part 1

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"Whoa, that Triceraton sounds so cool. I wish I could have fought a real life dino dude." Casey said after I told April and Casey about Zog. 

"Yeah, right? That dino dude would have stomped you into a Casey puddle about five seconds flat." Raph said.  

"Whatever Raph. Casey Jones eats dinosaur meat for breakfast." Casey said. 

"Ugh. I'm just amazed there are more aliens out there in the universe other than Kraang." April said. 

"I hate to break up the conversation, guys, but someone's been following us for the last five blocks or so." Donnie said. 

"Weird. I don't sense anyone at all." April said. 

"Yeah, Donnie; I can't hear anything either." I said. 

"See for yourselves." Donnie said. 

The computer screen shows a rich black car, where the driver is revealed to be Norman Kraang, wearing sunglasses.

"It's a Kraang." Casey said. 

"Stay with him, Leo." I said. 

 We follow him but when they arrive, he is gone. They exit out of the Shellraiser.

"He's gone." Leo said. 

Then I see something on the wall.

"Check it out. Turtles and girl 3117 Bayfront Street Midnight." I said. 

"What's that supposed to be-his logo?" Mikey asked.  

"It's a chess piece. A bishop." Leo said. 

"For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea, Leo. It's got to be a trap." Raph said. 

"Something's up. And I'm gonna find out what." Leo said. 

"Dudes, this is the same meat warehouse where we fought Tiger Claw. Come on, I know a back entrance." Mikey said. 

We head to the meat warehouse and sneak past. Leo quietly gave us the signal as the Kraang droid entered the room. Casey began to take charge.

"Casey, stop." I said. 

"Goongala!" Casey exclaimed. 

The Kraang dodged, grabbed Casey's stick and pulled him to hit the meat slice. Casey released his weapon and stumble to the floor.

"Do not do this." The bishop said. 

Leo, April and I help Casey up while Raph, Donnie and Mikey charged at the droid. The droid knocked Donnie and Raph and hit Mikey with a hockey stick.

"Mikey!" Leo and I exclaimed. 

"I am not here to fight you." The bishop said. 

"Too late for that." Leo said. 

Leo begins to attack but the Kraang dodges the turtle's attacks until it grabbed both of Leo's swords.

"That's impossible." I said.

Leo gets kicked back.

"Turtles and girl, refrain from attacking. Believe me when I say, I am not your enemy." The bishop said. 

I started understand the bishop as Leo puts his katanas to their sheaths.  

"You can call me by my Earth name, Bishop." Bishop stated. 

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