Y/n's Bio

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I don't own this picture! 

This is a quick bio for Y/n Hamato/Oroku to help with the confusion some of you may have. 


Hi, I'm Y/n, and my story is pretty complicated. 

When I was born, my real mother and father, M/n Oroku and F/n Oroku absolutely adored me, just like any parents would. 

My father F/n and had a twin brother, Saki Oroku also as we know him as The Shredder. 

My parents first met over mutual friends, my real father and uncle, they had a friend name Yoshi Hamato and all three of them were raised LIKE brothers. My mother was best friends with Tang Shen and Y/n Shen, whom I was named after. 

Tang Shen is or was Yoshi's wife and they had a daughter together, named Miwa. 

One day, after I was born, everything changed. 

"F/n, let's rule the Foot clan together and destroy the Hamato clan." Uncle Saki stated, and my father was shocked. 

"Saki, what has Yoshi done to you to deserve that?" Father asked. 

"He took Tang Shen from me and now all we have each other and this little one." Uncle Saki said, holding a baby, Miwa. 

"Is that Yoshi's baby girl? Saki, have you lost your mind? What have you done?" Father asked. 

"He took something from me and so I took something from him." Uncle Saki stated. 

"No, I'm leaving that Foot clan business behind me, Saki. I have a family and a daughter and I won't let her grow up without a father." Father stated. 

"You're leaving the Foot clan?! You know leaving like that is considered treason!" Uncle Saki stated. 

"I know that Saki and I don't care. Call me a coward all you want, I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to change my mind." Father stated. 

"How about you bring M/n and Y/n with you? That way you can still be a father and run the Foot clan with me. It's a win win in my opinion." Uncle Saki stated. 

"No, Saki. I'm leaving and I'm not having my daughter go through the same things I did. She deserves a better life than this. A life of pain, nonstop training and no love ever. In the Foot clan, either you're a ninja or you're a wimp. I don't want my daughter to have a life like that. M/n and I are leaving this place and leaving the past behind us. We want to start to a new life somewhere else, maybe in America." Father stated. 

To say Uncle Saki was shocked and furious was an understatement. 

Father and Mother left that same night, but not before Uncle Saki made a threat that would send a twinge of fear through their bodies. 

"I will find you F/n! I will find you and your family! I will have my revenge and take everything you love from you!" Uncle Saki screamed. 

Father and Mother left Japan along with me and immigrated to America. 

We settled down in New York City and everything seemed fine, but that was short-lived as the threat that Uncle Saki made stuck with them and they would be sent letters every other week from Uncle Saki about him knowing where we are and that he's coming for us. 

"We can't keep running forever, F/n. They will keep coming and sending those notes until they take us and our daughter away from us." Mother stated. 

"I know M/n, I don't want that for our daughter either. You know Saki, he won't stop until he gets what he wants. I'm sorry, my love, but you know we have know choice." Father stated as Mother started crying. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now