The Wrath of Tiger Claw

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In Murakami's restaurant, the turtles start their training.

"I've put up with you guys for a long time, but this is about to get real!" Mikey stated. 

"You don't want this kind of pain, Mikey." Raph stated. 

"Big talk for someone with such a limited vocabulary, Raph." Donnie stated. 

Raph shoves Donnie away by putting his hand on Donnie's face.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Leo asked. 

"Are you kidding me? I was born ready." Raph asked. 

"Okay, Mr. Murakami." I stated. 

"One pizza Gyoza, coming up." Mr. Murakami stated. 

Raph, Donnie and Mikey have bug eyes, get their tongues out and are drooling over seeing pizza Gyoza. Mr. Murakami throws the Gyoza to the turtles, as they're starting to fight each other for these as they pin each other to the ground. During their struggle, a pizza Gyoza falls on top of Mikey. Mikey closes his eyes and opens his mouth, believing that he will win the pizza Gyoza, but I caught it with my katana before it got into Mikey's mouth. 

"Ha, I thought I'd play after all." I stated, smirking. 

I eat the pizza Gyoza and gives Raph, Donnie and Mikey a mocking smile. They get up and get angry.

"What happened to Ms. 'I'm too broody to play this game'?" Raph asked. 

"Mmm, these things are really good. Thanks Murakami-san." I stated. 

"My restaurant was never that popular until invented these for you." Mr. Murakami stated. 

Mr. Murakami hands them a full plate of pizza gyoza and I could see my brothers drooling. The turtles eat their pizza Gyoza. While eating, Donnie notices Leo is glancing at the window, depressed about Karai, while I was sitting down, looking at my hands, thinking about my parents. 

"They're still brooding.

"Leo's thinking about her, about Karai and Y/n's probably thinking about her parents, which I can understand. I mean her parents are in the hands of the Shredder, how could she not worry about them constantly." Raph stated. 

"Master Splinter is her father. How could she still want to be with the Shredder?" Leo asked. 

"And, it's not my parents I'm worried, it's how I'm going to get them out without getting caught and getting captured myself. Who knows what Shredder will do with all of us together? Probably brainwash us or something and force us to fight and kill you guys." I stated, putting my head down. 

"You have to have faith, Leo. Her entire life was shown to be a lie. This is a challenge to everything she knows. The truth will set her free. Just give her the time she needs to accept who she is. And Y/n, we'll always be here for you, little sis, no matter what happens." Mikey stated, with his mouth full. 

"Right. Look, Leo, she'll come around and we will find your parents Y/n, together, like the team we are." Donnie stated, rubbing my back. 

'I don't want you guys to get involved, that's what I'm really worried about, is you guys getting hurt because of me'. I thought to myself. 

"Yeah, well, personally, I hope she doesn't. I don't trust her, not for one second. But, I agree with Donnie about your parents, sis, for once." Raph muttered the last part. 

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