The Noxious Avenger

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I don't own this picture! 


Me and my brothers are out trying to find Bebop and Rocksteady and I can hear a garbage guy. 

"It's a thankless job, I'll tell ya that. I like keeping my city clean. Beats working in the sewers, though. Too many freaky mutants down there. Huh? Whoa, speak of the devil." Garage guy said. 

"Boom! Reagent-X, Steranko. Oh, snap. Mutagen, son." Bebop stated as he takes the canister.  

"Guys, I have ears on Bebop and Rocksteady and they have a 'friend' with them." I whispered as we made our move. 

"Quiet. Something in alley. Oh, is only garbage man-" Rocksteady stated, before Leo kicked him and me, Donnie, Raph and Mikey followed us. 

"What the what? How'd you find us? Hoo, hoo!" Bebop asked he shot laser at me, but I deflected them. 

"You forget that my ears are sharper than my kunai's and I just sharpened them. Wanna see?" I asked as threw a kunai at him, he ducked and it came back to me. 

"That, and you're driving a van with a Bebop and Rocksteady sign on it." Mikey stated. 

"What in the?" I hear the garbage guy ask as he watched us fight. 

"Eat mutagen!" Bebop exclaimed as he threw mutagen at Mikey. 

"Not the face!" Mikey screamed. 

Mikey ducks by hiding his head in his shell. The mutagen falls and lands on the garbage guy who falls and starts to mutate into a monstrous being. 

"NO!" I screamed. 

The others continue on fighting. Mikey ran to a table, leaping and attacking Rocksteady.

"We're getting our shells waxed." Donnie stated. 

"What brings you two morons here anyway? Dexter Flyface's grocery list?" Raph asked. 

"Is not grocery list! Run. We cannot return to Shredder with the empty hand." Rocksteady stated as he looked at the mutagen and then at me. 

"That's my cue to bounce. I'm outie 5000." Bebop stated as he disappeared. 

"Look out!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Rocksteady leaves, knocking the us down. 

"Oh, Raph, never mock 1,000 pound rhino man 'Kay? Thanks." Mikey said. 

We got back to the lair. 

"According to the lab's records, two things are missing: Mutagen.." Donnie said. 

"Which they threw at my head." Mikey interrupted. 

"Which they threw at Mikey's head, and Reagent-X, an ingredient needed to make a mind control serum." Donnie stated. 

"So what's the game plan?" Raph asked as he rubbed my back, trying to keep me from having a panic attack. 

"Reagent-X still needs an additional chemical solvent in order to work." Donnie stated. 

"Let's just hope Bebop and Rocksteady haven't found all the components yet." I stated. 

We were in the living room, when the news come in.

"The Kraang's disappearance was as mysterious as their arrival, leaving some to wonder just who we have to thank for- Keep rolling. Sir, sir. I hear people calling you a hero. Care to comment? What kind of creature are you? A mutant? A sewer monster? What's your name?" Joan Grody asked as she talked to a new mutant and I knew it the garbage man. 

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