The Mutation Situation

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I don't own the picture! 


Me and my brothers are running around the city, celebrating our victory after defeating the Kraang's plot from the first season.

"And then I took my sai. And shortened that Kraang droid's skull. Wham!" Raph stated. 

"So cool!" I exclaimed. 

"Sure Raph, but I used my uncanny scientific knowledge To bring down an interdimensional portal. Equally as awesome!" Donnie exclaimed. 

"What about master Splinter? Wish I could've seen him and Y/n take out the Shredder. Speaking of which, what happened back there sis?" Leo asked. 

"I'd rather not talk about that, besides I came out here with you guys to clear my head of any thoughts of that monster I'm supposed to call my uncle." I stated. 

I spaced out for a minute or two while Mikey and Raph were arguing about some cottage cheese demon.  

"We are awesome!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Yes we are! Yeah, boy! High three! Unh, yes!" My brothers exclaimed as they high-threed. 

"Month long Kraang/Shredder mega-defeat celebration rules!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"So are we gonna stop by April's? We are 1. 3 blocks and six-- no, no-- Seven meters away from her apartment." Donnie stated. 

"Woah, Donnie, definitely not creeped out at all." I stated, sarcastically. 

"Yeah, that's not weird or anything, Donnie." Raph stated, sarcastically. 

The turtles have arrived at April's apartment. Donnie knocks on the window.

"Handsome-gram for April O'Neil!" Donnie stated. 

"Ugh. Did you really just say that?" Raph asked as April opened the window. 

"Guys! Um, great to see you! Yeah, uh, you mind staying on the fire escape?" April asked. 

"Seems like you've been avoiding us lately, April." Leo stated. 

"It's not my fault. Dad's alien abduction nightmares are getting worse. He's so freaked out, he won't let me out at night." April stated. 

"I'm sorry, April. It's just--what if the Kraang are still out there? Waiting? Lurking? I'll do anything to protect you." Kirby stated. 

"Dad. I can take care of myself now. And--and I'll be with the guys and Y/n! I couldn't be more safe!" April stated.

"Trust us, Mr. O'Neil. Shredder and those little squishy brain-freaks are long gone." Mikey stated. 

We get back to the lair and Leo, Raph and Mikey are playing with the Kraang orb. 

"Ah! Ninja dodgeball! Whoo! Missed me again, Leo! Ha!" Mikey stated. 

Leo catches the orb.

"Eat this!" Leo exclaimed. 

Raph catches the orb and tosses it over.

"Stick it in your shell!" Raph exclaimed. 

The orb bounces around while April comes in holding pizza boxes which she dodges. 

The orb bounces into the lair and on Metalhead.

"Ha, you're out, Leo!" Raph exclaimed. 

"It doesn't count on a bounce." Leo stated. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now