Target: April O'Neil

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I was walking April home at night while doing a few of her duties, with someone following her at close proximity. April and I soon senses that someone is following her.

I know you're following me. Come out so I can see you!" April stated. 

She tosses her Tessen behind a trash can which reveals her stalker's identity.

"Donnie?" Me and April asked in unison. 

Funny the three of us passing through this shady back alley at the same exact time, huh? So, um, h-how have you been, April?" Donnie asked, while April looked at Donnie annoyed. 

"Oh, you know, the usual. Homework, chess club, dealing with a father who turned into a homicidal mutant bat!" April stated. 

"April, it wasn't completely our fault. But I'm sorry that-" Donnie stated. 

"Not as sorry as I am! I want to be left alone, Donnie. No more talking mutants in my life. I never want to see you again!" April stated.

"April? Some things are just beyond our control." Donnie stated. 

April gives him a reluctant look and leaves, Donnie looks down in shame and is heartbroken.

We get back in the lair, the boys watch TV, Mikey throws a popcorn kernel in the air only for Raph to steal it. Mikey throws another one in the air but Raph does the same thing. Mikey throws another one in the and bites Raph's hand. Raph makes Mikey flinch causing Mikey to hide in his shell.

"What in the name of Einstein, were you thinking, Donnie?! I told you I had it under control and yet you just had to go and follow us and possibly made the situation worse." I stated, sitting on the couch. 

"Whoa, dude. This show, like, totally paradoxes your life. Kinda owie in the corazon. That means heart." Mikey stated. 

"It's parallels, and it does not, okay? It's just a cartoon." Donnie stated. 

"Besides, the Princess has quit the team, like, twenty seven times. She always comes back." Leo stated. 

Yeah, but let's face reality. April's gone for good. We'll probably never see her again." Raph stated. 

"You guys maybe, but me and April are talking along with this guy friend of hers." I stated, blushing a little when I mentioned Casey. 

"I'll... be in my lab." Donnie said.

"Wait, what guy friend?" Raph asked.  

Then I text for April. 

April: Hey Y/n, me and Casey are going to the ice rink, if you wanna meet us there. 

Me: Yeah, sure. Meet you there in 15 tops. 

"Hey, guys, I'm off. April wants to meet up." I stated. 

I'm outside of ice rink and April walks up to me. 

"Hey, April. So why the ice rink? Did Casey miss study session again?" I asked. 

"No, just wanting to hang out and apologize for how I treated you and the guys when my dad was mutated." April said. 

I hug her and she hugs back. 

"It's no biggie, really. I figured you would want your space for a bit." I stated as we headed in and saw Casey practicing. 

"Sweet cheeks? Red? Ah, I miss a study session again?" Casey asked. 

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