Mousers Attack!

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I walk into the dojo with Raph and Leo, Donnie and Mikey are slow motion?

"What? Are you fighting a guy in slow motion?" Raph asked. 

"Took the question right out of my mouth, Raph." I stated. 

"I suppose I could do it faster if I ignored my form, like you." Leo stated to Raph. 

"Ignore this form!" Raph shouted. 

Raph and Leo start training until Father seized them by using pressure points on their necks. He releases them as the two crumble to the ground.

"Competition is an excellent motivator but not when it turns you against each other. So now, you will spar two on three." Father stated. 

"Okay, I'll take Don-" Leo tried to say but Father cut him off. 

"You will take Raphael. You two must focus on working together, not competing with each other." Father stated. 

"Okay, so me and Raph against Y/n, Mikey and Donnie? Uh, isn't that a little unfair?" Leo asked. 

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" Donnie asked. 

"Um, how can I put this gently? We're way better than you guys." Raph stated. 

"At fighting, maybe." Mikey said. 

"Uh, that's what I meant." Donnie said. 

"Oh? Fine." Mikey said. 

"I'll make you two eat those words." I stated, smirking at Leo and Raph and they smirked back. 

"Hajime!" Father shouted. 

Leo and Raph easily beat Donnie and Mikey, then they circled me. I was ready as Leo charged at me, dodged at the last second making him fall to the floor, but he got back up and charged at me again. Leo pounced on me, but he left enough room for me to put my feet against his plastron and kick him off me. I got up, but they both charged at me and I managed to backflip over them. I tried to lay a punch on either of them, but they kept dodging me and then Raph grabbed my wrist and flipped me over his shoulder. I landed on the floor with loud thud and laid their groaning in pain. 

"It was a good attempt, Y/n; you're improving and that's what matters." Raph stated, but I knew he meant 'I'm better than you'. 

"Gee, thanks Raph, thanks for the encouragement." I stated, sarcastically as walked passed him, bumping his shoulder hard as I did. 

"Yame!" Father shouted. 

"You were right, sensei. Working together is fun." Raph stated. 

"Look, guys. Raph and I may be better fighters, but you're still an important part of this team." Leo stated, trying to make me, Donnie and Mikey feel better. 

"As important as you two?" Donnie asked, annoyed. 

"Uh, very important. We shouldn't compare ourselves. It's like apples and oranges." Leo stated. 

"Yeah, if apples were way better, which they are." Mikey stated. 

"So the truth comes out." Donnie stated and I nodded, sharpening kunai on the couch. 

"You guys think of us as some kind of B-team." Mikey stated. 

"Good one, Dr. Name-enstein. We'll call you the B-team." Raph stated. 

"Thanks. I mean, hey!" Mikey said. 

"There's no shame in it. Look, they've got a B-team too." Leo stated, referring to Space Heroes. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now