1 : Amara Snaire

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I hold a gun tightly in my hands, pulling the trigger before shooting directly into the eye of a practice dummy. A small smile tugs at my instructors lips as she begins clapping, walking back from the bench she was sat at.

If you didn't know, I'm a hired assassin. My name is..

"Amara. Very good. Your aim is getting better." She nods, humming a melody I can't quite place.

Well damn, she fucked up my introduction.. Anyway. "Thank you, Miss Charlotte." I nod.

She picks up a gun from the long white table, handing me a perfectly polished rifle. "Think you could place a bullet from this bad boy between that dummy's eyes?" Miss Charlotte smirks, raising a curious brow at me.

"Duh. 'Course I fucking can." I chuckle. Who the fuck does she think I am? I hold the under of the gun, pulling it so I can see the target directly. I aim the gun directly between the eyes on the dummy, relaxing my shoulder before shooting it.

The bullet flies through the air, landing right between the eyes with a bang. Miss Charlotte stares at me in bewilderment, her eye twitching with confusion. "How did you do that?"

"By not being a fucking dumbass like the other girls here." I spit, staring blankly at her. She's so annoying..

Miss Charlotte glares, grabbing both guns I used and setting them down. "You're excused." She waves me off, throwing the frayed rope attached to me aside. "Grab Kaycee for me."

My eyes narrow at her, "I fucking hate her." I spit, rushing out the door before she can yell at me about cussing so much. I slam the door harshly and walk towards the lined up students. "Next person up is whore." I smile.

The guard at the left exit looks up from his book, giving me a 'Don't say that' look. "Name of the next person?"

I smirk, "Kaycee." I snip back sassily, striding down the hall away from Kaycee's shocked expression.

Mr Martin opens the exit door for me, sighing at my already ripped uniform. "We just had that made.." He sulks.

"Blame Miss Charlotte. She had me climb a huge rope and jump off it." I scowl, recalling the long training session her and I had.

Mr Martin just chuckles, following behind me as I walk to the lunchroom. "I don't need an escort, Martin." I glare.

He stares at me, "Mar, respectfully. You almost burned down a hallway the last time you quote on quote, 'didn't need an escort,' so be quiet." He laughs.

I finally reach the lunchroom and shoo him off, walking to Darius and I's non-crowded table.

Darius sits with perfect posture, staring at me as I walk towards him. Creep.

"Hey, Mara. You finally finished." He glares. "It's not like there's only five minutes left in lunch for me." He says sarcastically.

I glare. "Sorry. Miss Charlotte made me do some wack rope shit."

Darius gasps, "Shhhh, shh! Don't say curse words. You're going to get me in trouble." He frowns.

I glare, "Over-dramatic fucking baby." I tease him, smiling like a kid on Christmas. Stupid boy.

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