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I look out into the crowded booths, all of my family and friends dressed in fun colors. I finally step out onto the aisle, my white flowy dress complimenting the darkness I've had throughout my life. My mother stands next to me happily, walking down with me.

I stare in front of me and see the love of my life standing at the end. Happy tears fall down her cheeks, and I look at her beautiful white tuxedo.

I look to her right, seeing her younger sister Alice and her older brother Gage smiling happily.

When I look to the side where I stand, I see Camilla and Sam waiting for me.

I finally reach my place next to Fawn, and we both stare at each other lovingly.

My eyes wander around the crowd, and I see Percy and Liance sitting together, who had gotten married recently.

I search even more to find the most recent married couple, Rowan and Atlas.

I finally turn back to Fawn, and after we finish our vows, I giggle as I look around for the rings.

"Where are the rings, though?" I laugh, and someone in the crowd coughs.

Hunter steps out happily, walking up the aisle to hold out both rings to us. He pushes back his hair and sits to a seat closer to us.

I almost cry at how cute he is, seeing how much his small beard has grown.

I stare back at Fawn and slide the ring onto her finger before holding out my hand so she can put mine on.

We smile at each other happily, both still crying.

"Do you, Fawn Caris Hart, take Amara Grace Snaire to be your wife?" The man smiles at Fawn.

She nods adamantly, "I do, yes. I do."

He nods and turns to me, "Do you, Amara Grace Snaire, take Fawn Caris Hart to be your wife?"

I smile happily, nodding. "I do, always. I do."

"I now pronounce you, wife and wife!" He yells loudly.

Fawn and I lean in together, kissing each other passionately.

And, after everything

I'm happy.

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