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I don't know what to think. I don't know what to feel. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Sam is my step-sister, and I have many cousins. I had no idea I even had cousins. My distant family friends are Rowan, Liance, and Dyxteriah. I don't know much about them, but all I know is I need to tell Sam. I need to ask her what she knows, and maybe we can gather enough people to take this place down. But how? I don't understand. I don't know what to do.

As I lay in my cozy bed, my mind continues to think about all of the possibilities. The causes of my actions are the things people will suffer through if I actually go through with all of this. I don't want people to suffer because of me, and the thought of being blamed for everything weighs heavily on my shoulders. A part of me feels like I have to listen to my headmasters, but the other part is telling me I don't deserve this just like everyone else.

These kids being taken against their will isn't okay, but at the same time.. Some of them stay willingly. The headmasters have let students leave, but they always end up coming back. They feel safe here, just in a different way. They feel protected, and they feel a sense of power and success that would get you jail time in the real world. If anybody actually knew about this organization, everyone here would be pressed for information and charged with murder. I'm risking everyone's safety, but at what cost? I'm helping them in a way. Darius could see his parents, and Darius could be happy again. Fawn could go back to her life and forget about me. I might even go back to mine.. With my mom, with Camilla, with Kaiden. It could be okay again.

I sit up in my bed, getting up completely and getting dressed. I put on black baggy cargo pants, along with a camo print halter neck top. I slide on my huge combat boots and tuck my hair in a high ponytail. I open my door, and I'm faced with Darius. Oh.

I stare at Darius's sad look, and his eyes light up slightly when he sees my outfit. "Amara. We should talk." He states awkwardly. Why is he being weird?

"You're right. We should talk." I narrow my eyes suspiciously at him. "The fuck do you want?"

An extremely anxious look spreads across his face, "No, don't curse. Seriously, Amara, I can't be caught with someone who swears, especially now."

I scoff, "My cursing is the problem? Darius, that's not the worst thing I do. If it's that bad, you should stay away from me. And if you're so stuck on following the rules, maybe I won't tell you about my plan." I state coldly.

Darius gulps, "You can't go through with it, Amara. You have to kill them." He pleads, sweat falling from his forehead.

I scoff again, rolling my eyes. "You fought for me to go against them. Stop switching up, Darius." I mumble.

Darius seems to have another wave of anxiety push through him, and he steps closer. "No, Amara. You can't do it. Please. You'll make it harder for both of us. You just have to listen to them. They saved us. Just please, please just listen."

My curiosity drops. They saved us? "They didn't save us, Darius!" I shout.


I step back away from him, "How pathetic do you think I am? I don't need to be trained as an assassin! I'm completely capable of being a normal human." I scowl.

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