6 2 3



I wake up dizzy, my head pounding as I reach for my shoulder. By now, it definitely should have healed. But knowing Darius, he probably fucked me up bad. I'm probably fucked.

I open my eyes slightly, looking around the room as I see Rowan sleeping in a chair, his breathing steady. He looks less tired, and he wears the same clothes as yesterday. I wonder why he stayed here..? Out of everyone, him?

I cough, and my shoulder starts to hurt, making me want to cry.

Rowan wakes up because of my cough, shooting up to look at me. "Amara, you're awake. Do you need the doctor? I can go get someo-"

"Rowan, I'm fine." I mumble, laughing a little.

His anxious expression fades, and he smiles slightly. "Fawn is getting lunch for us. She left maybe five minutes ago."

I nod, "And you fell asleep within that time?" I frown. "You should sleep more."

Rowan shakes his head, "Nah, I'm here to be with you."

"Why me, Rowan? Don't you have a brother to go hang out with?" I glare at him, sighing.

He shakes his head, "Liance is busy.. I might have to go to the castle at some point. But right now, he's trying to find Percy in the human world. It's kind've alot to explain. But.. Dyxteriah has been gone for a while. I'm just waiting to see if Liance sends a distress singal. And the reason I'm here with you? Because you're basically family. Plus.." He pauses, "We used to hang out as kids. I dont know if you remember, but I was in your class. Blonde, blue eyes, like now." He smirks as he talks about himself. "I used to like that girl named Emby. But remember? She liked that bitch Kason."

I gasp, "Oh my god!!! Rowan??? As in the boy we used to shove in that big donut and yell, "Row row row your boat?" I start to laugh now.

Rowan huffs, crossing his arms. "Yes. It was. Now, don't bring it up." He glares playfully, taking a sip of his water.

I giggle, completely ignoring the pain, as I'm too happy. It's crazy how the right people can make you go from wishing you weren't here to loving life and wanting to stay. Maybe Darius was the problem.. Not me. Okay, wait, that might be stretching it a lot.

Rowan pulls out a card from his jacket pocket, handing it to me. "From Camilla." He smiles. "I read it first, don't worry. It's all safe."

A sigh of relief leaves my lips as I grab the note, holding it in my hands anxiously. "Does it have a shitty apology?" I question Rowan.

"Nah. It's something you really should read." He says softy, his tone calming.

I nod hesitantly, opening the note. I read the writing, and I immediately recognize it as Camilla's.

• /\ ---------------------------------------------------- /\ •

The note reads,

'Dear Amara,

I know you might not want to hear from me, and I completely respect any decisions you make. I'm at the company. They forced me to come there or die, so you know I had to pick the company. I know we can overthrow them, though. And I know you don't want a shitty apology over letter, so I'll come see you in person. I've been worried about you, and I know that sounds like bullshit, but you protected Kaiden over everyone. I know you think you aren't strong, and I want you to know that's a lie. You went through hell to get where you are now. You got shot in the leg for me. You moved into an awful company all for our dad. Even if he died anyway, you still did it. You still pushed through and did your best. You even fought back.

And I know you're strong because I never could've done it myself. What you did, I could never do. And if the places were reversed, I wouldn't have been able to keep the family safe for years like you did. When you left, mom blamed it on dad. She said if he hadn't joined that company for extra cash, nothing would have happened. She blamed dad and said to never look for you, which I did. I regret it every day, and if I'm being honest, Kaiden looked for you. Mom threatened me. She said if I ever got involved, she'd kill herself. Kaiden and I moved out, and it was better for a really long time. You kept me safe, even if it was from miles away. And now, it's my turn to keep you safe. It's my turn to help you.

From, your little sister, Cam.'

• /\ ---------------------------------------------------- /\ •

I didn't know what to say. For once, I felt validated by someone other than a friend. I look at Rowan with teary eyes, and he just nods at me with a smile.

"You matter, Amara. Literally, everyone but yourself sees it. You have to trust us. We wouldn't lie to you. You can do this. Everyone knows it." He smiles lovingly, patting my arm.

I smile to myself and push back my tears, facing forward. "You're right. I can do this." I declare.

I can do this.

• /\ ---------------------------------------------------- /\ •


FINALLY a happy chap🙄🙄. i'm thinking maybe 2-4 more chapters, and this story will be over ! i'm kinda happy with it, but i might change a few things overall when it's done.


vote and comment ! also, for new readers, please just know you can totally ask questions ! ik the family tree and shit is a bit confusing, so you have full permission lol😭!

thank you ! happy reading :)

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